Chapter Eleven

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I was back to the square one. Actually I wasn't even there anymore, because in the beginning Joakim had still liked me. Right now I was pretty sure everyone hated me. Unfortunately, my boss didn't care about the heartbreak or the drama I was sucked into.

Thursday evenings were often quiet in the library and so were Fridays. When there were barely any customers, my job was mainly to arrange the returned books back to the bookshelves.

I was deep in my thoughts when I took another heavy pile of books from the storage room. I had already sorted the books, so the pile I was carrying was all to the romance category. I set down the books and picked up two of them.

I had no idea how I was supposed to face Joakim at school the next morning or Kuisma at the flat after my shift ended. I kept thinking about the conversation with Kuisma and I still didn't understand why he was so mad at me.

The first book went into the lower shelf and for the second I had to crane for. It was a monumental tome and I was having difficulties to get it between the other books on the top shelf.

The book slipped from my hand and I reflexively popped my left hand below it to capture it. Only to realize it was indeed a heavy book. The book slammed against my index and middle fingers. I watched how the book thudded to the floor. For a moment I didn't feel any pain, but when it came, it hurt like hell. I cried out and fell on my knees.

"What happened?" An older woman, Kirsti, who was working with me today, hurried to me. Probably after hearing my shriek. I only raised my hand for her to see, because I seemed to have lost my ability to talk.

Then we both stared my hand for a moment or two. It didn't look good: there was already minor swelling on my knuckles, but that wasn't the worst of it. Whereas my index finger looked somewhat normal, the middle finger was in a peculiar angle.

"I think I broke my finger", I pointed out casually and bursted out laughing. The pain was nearly unbearable, but looking at my broken finger made me crack up even more.

"I'll take you to the emergency room. Just wait here for a second and I go tell Mikko we're leaving", Kirsti said firmly and squeezed my shoulder.

"So, what happened?" Kirsti took me to her car, which was old, rusty and red, and I sat on the passenger seat.

"That was the third time I got whacked by love drama today" I mumbled. "Love sucks. I freaking hate love."

"So you dropped a book on your hand?" Kirsti reckoned.

"Yup", I muttered through gritted teeth, not because I was angry, but because the pain in my hand was getting worse.

When we got to the emergency room, I stopped wondering where all the customers from the library were, because apparently everyone was at the emergency.

I had to wait an hour before I got to see even the first employee behind the desk where they decide where you should go next. She slapped together some sort of backing to keep the fingers in right position while I'd wait for the doctor.

I was guided to the next waiting room and there I had to wait for the doctor to ask me in. I had to wait nearly one and a half hour. Kirsti had had to go back to work, so I was alone.

I couldn't really browse my phone, or well I could, but it didn't feel worth the effort, and I couldn't listen music, because I had to hear when they'd call my name. So I just watched some weird British serie, which someone else had put on. It was on such quiet volume I could hardly hear a thing.

It was past 10 pm when the doctor finally called me in. He was a middle-aged man, whose brown hair had started balding and who seemed stressed but competent.

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