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"What time is it?" I groaned, shielding my eyes from the sunlight streaming through the car window

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"What time is it?" I groaned, shielding my eyes from the sunlight streaming through the car window.

"Eight." Amber mumbled, stretching her arms behind her.

I looked out the window and saw that we were in front of my apartment building. We must have fallen asleep in the car last night. My feet were in Jackson's lap, my head against the cool glass of the window. There was a painful kink in my neck that I knew would be killer all day. After we left the overpass we had driven around the city for a while.

Got some food around 5 AM, then made our way back here, our spirits still high as a kite. We hadn't done anything more than talk and laugh all night long. It was so perfect, and exactly what I needed. It had pulled my mind away from reality just for a little while, which was enough for me.

Jackson whined when I moved, him having been using my feet as a teddy bear. I laughed quietly and pulled my feet away. His eyes snapped open, and he stared at me groggily. "Is it morning?" He asked with a scratchy voice.

I nodded, pulling my brown hair into a neat low bun. The car smelled like weed and cigarettes. I hadn't smoked anything other than what I usually would. I couldn't stand the smell of weed. Everytime the pungent scent entered my nose, it sent flashes of all the times I found my mom high out of her mind through my fragile brain. I didn't drink either.

One poison was enough for me.

Jackson stretched and yawned. "That was fun." He muttered softly.

Clay, who was slowly waking up in the passenger seat, hummed in response. "Fuck yeah it was."

"How did a squid even get on the overpass?" Amber asked, her face scrunching up in disgust.

Clay shrugged. "Someone probably took it from the beach and left it there. Santa Monica is pretty close." We all nodded in agreement.

"God, I haven't been to the beach in a long time." I said absently. I hadn't been in a year, maybe two. I hate swimming with a burning passion, and I can't stand the feeling of sand on my clothes. My friends try to drag me there a million times each summer, but more often than not I flat out refuse. I would much rather stay in the city with the lights and the energy.

"Me either. I watched Jaws a few weeks ago and I can't take a bath without feeling like I'm half a step away from death." Amber rubbed her eyes, laughing quietly at herself.

"Oh my god Amber." I sighed lightly, a small smile playing on my tired face.

"Hey baby, I gotta get home before my mom gets mad." Clay said, his voice still thick with sleep.

Amber nodded. "Jacks get out." She said. The half asleep brown haired boy merely hummed at the sound of his name. "Jackson got out of my car."

I leaned across his body and pulled the door open, sliding over him and pulling Jackson out of the car. "Bye Ams. See you later." I mumbled.

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