Chapter Nine

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Emmaline's heart started to pound. Isaac was here! In front of Her! She had been thinking about him constantly and now he was a foot away.

He held out his hand, ever the gentleman, for her. "Care to dance?" His eyes were dark and hooded with desire.

She smiled and took his hand. Electric currents raced between them as she leaned into his body. She gasped at the sensation as he inhaled sharply. He had felt it too....

She looked up, a question in her gaze. "What is that?" It still lingered and pulsed between them. It felt intense and provocative. Her body began to sway against him, eliciting more.

He inhaled again sharply, controlling the urge to push her against him harder. The sensation was divine. He felt his heart beat out of sync as the pulse continued. His senses focused on her with laser like accuracy.

He felt her pulse quickening along with her blood. Her magic teased along their skin, making him want to groan. His hands caught her hips as they began to dance to the rhythm surrounding them. "I don't know what this is. It is intoxicating. You are intoxicating..." His eyes searched along her face.

Emmaline felt almost dizzy with his hands on her hips. She rocked and swayed against him,  paying no attention to anyone else. His admission caused her breath to catch. Another song was already starting, sexual and wanton as the crowd began to writhe as well.

Isaac's hands began to move along Emmaline's sides, brushing and teasing. It felt like fire everywhere he touched. Her hands began moving by their own accord. Wanting more of him as well. One hand was on his chest as the other reached to stroke his arm. They gazed at each other intently, paying no need to the watchful eyes surrounding them.


John almost couldn't believe his eyes. Isaac had  rushed to the witch's side the moment her friend's attention was diverted. He felt an incredible surge of power as they came together. He felt it flowing across his skin. Nathaniel had stopped dancing as well, feeling the surge. His eyes went to Isaac and the witch first and then hurriedly back to John.

"What the hell is that? Do you feel It?"  Nathaniel asked John, concern in his voice as he approached.

"Yes and we are not the only ones that have noticed." John's gaze turned towards the two witches watching Issac and the witch with anger in their expressions. "We need to remedy this situation." He said gravely. "And quickly..."


Isaac couldn't tear his attention from her. He wanted nothing more but to pull her outside and show her the passion springing to life within him. Her hands on his chest were small but full of fire. Her shirt rode up a minute amount as his hands roamed up and down her figure. His body ached at the small touch of skin. He knew she was out of control too. Her head was back and her eyes closed briefly allowing the feeling to wash over her.

He couldn't take it any longer. He leaned down,  pausing only to ask permission with his eyes. She nodded yes as she moved her hand up to his neck.

She had expected him to be fast and rough but he was gentle as his lips began to tease hers. Their lips brushed against one another once...twice and then came together. His tongue collided with hers as the world fell away. Her body hummed with power and want. One of his hands pressed at the small of her back,  urging her even closer to his body. The other ran down her neck, caressing and making her moan.

All of a sudden, her inner alarm started screaming at her. Her heart began to beat even faster,  not with need but with fear.

Isaac felt the change immediately and broke the kiss. He looked around for the danger spiking her fear. He felt power rising from the other side of the room and saw the sentry witches chanting. Their anger was palpable.

Nathaniel and John arrived at his side. "The lines have been drawn. We need to leave now." John said hurriedly. Emmaline looked at the newcomers and knew without a doubt that they were Revenant as well. She looked in the direction they were staring. A man and woman were staring at them from across the room.

Their expressions were that of anger and disgust. She felt the tingle from earlier in the night rise again. They were saying something,  though they were too far away to hear. Her skin tightened more, warning her.

The lights around them began to flicker and spark. The crowd erupted in panic. Pressure started to fill the air. People all around began to run to the door. Isaac and his friends stood their ground,  anger rising from them as well.

"Emmaline!! Emmaline!!!" Shelby's face was scared. "We need to go! Now! Come on!" She grabbed for Emmaline's hand.

Emmaline moved closer to Isaac instinctively. He held her tight. The pressure was becoming stronger and almost overpowering. Several people grabbed their heads in pain as they rushed outside.

"We will take her. She can come with me." Isaac  looked at Emmaline for confirmation.

She nodded her head, gesturing for Shelby to go. "He is a friend. I'll go with him. Hurry!!" They turned towards the exit as well. It felt like knives digging at her skin. Her power was rising fast to face the threat. She was shaking with her effort to control it.

Isaac dropped all pretenses and grabbed her in his arms, carrying her bridal style. They made it outside as sparks began igniting inside the club.

The pressure and pain lifted the moment they were outside. "The car." He said simply,  throwing Nathaniel the keys. Everyone around them was panicking, rushing in every direction. He used a bit of his speed to get them to the car quickly. His grip stayed on Emmaline. Her magic hadn't begun to subside yet and he saw her trying to control it.

John opened the back door and he swept them inside, still not letting go. The car sped off quickly.

Emmaline breathed in and out, willing her magic to calm. Isaac held on to her still, anchoring her.

 Nathaniel let out a long breath from the driver's seat, "We are totally fucked..."


Emmaline's head started pounding as she awoke. Her eyes searched the unfamiliar room.  She had to have passed out in the car. She sat up slowly. Everything was neat and tidy.

The room had a dark stone wall behind the bed and the room was decorated in shades of navy and grey. A fireplace took up the majority of the wall across from her. Books lined the shelves on the walls and little else. It was sparse but warm.

She stood up, ready to find Isaac and figure out what had happened. She stepped outside and heard voices down the hall.


"Have you lost your mind?!" Nathaniel was pacing back and forth. "You have broken the laws for a witch!"

Isaac sat in the chair nearby, deep in thought. John looked on stoic, waiting to speak.

Isaac didn't know what to do. He had rarely been in this predicament of uncertaintity. He hadn't been thinking about their laws when he kissed Emmaline. Even now, he knew he would break them again to repeat his actions.

"What is going on?" Emmaline stepped into the living room. Her expression was afraid but also angered as well. She had heard Nathaniel speak of laws...What laws?

Isaac rose from his chair and was beside her in the blink of an eye. Concern on his face, he asked, "Are you feeling better?"

"I am fine. Now what is going on?" She huffed out. She began to feel that pull again along her skin when he was near. Her body started to warm. Isaac felt it too as his pulse quickened fron it's usual slow beat. 

"Incredible!" John stood up quickly and looked between them. Both Isaac and Emmaline tore their gazes from one another to look at him. "I can feel it the minute you two are next to each other!" He looked towards Nathaniel as well. "And You?" Nathaniel nodded in agreement, looking at the pair with apprehension. "Your bond is tangible to say the least." He smiled and bowed in Emmaline's direction.

"My name is John and this is Nathaniel. We are friends of Isaac." He smiled at her warmly.

Emmaline smiled back, "Uh...hi..." It dawned on her then that she was in the room with three vampires...Three friendly vampires. Life couldn't be more surreal...

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