No Wolf, No Danger.

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'Flight two six three to Exeter is delayed. Sorry for the inconvenience.'

I grumbled and ran my hand down my face. I need this over with, so I can get back here as soon as possible. The longer time passes, the more agitated I get.

"I guess your flight too?" Someone chuckled from behind me.

I looked cautiously over my shoulder and nodded. A young guy stood behind the table. He had a rucksack slung over his shoulder and was scanning the room.

He walked around the table and stopped in front of me. "Do you mind if I sit here? It's a little packed in here." He asked.

I smiled and nodded my head, "sure."

It'll be nice to have some company while I wait for this damn airplane. He smiled brightly at me while sitting down. He picked up a menu and began to dart his eyes over it.

"Want another drink?" He offered, gesturing his head towards my drinks, "my treat?"

I gave him a small smile and shook my head, "I better not."

He nodded his head while taking two bottles of water out of his bag. He held one out to me with a grin on his face.

"Thank you," I chirped and took the bottle from him.

"I'm Ezra, by the way." He introduced himself, holding his bottle in the air.

I raised my eyebrow at him, glancing between the bottle and him. He smirked at me and quirked his brow with a soft chuckle. I knocked my bottle against his and chuckled, shaking my head.


He picked up the menu and started looking at it again. "So, where are you headed? Holiday?" He asked.

I sighed heavily. "Home," I responded, staring down at my bottle.

He gave me a small, sad smile, "me too."

He took a deep breath, recollecting himself, before giving me a broad smile. "I can't wait to get home." He sighed, "nothing beats Devon's countrysides."

I choked on my drink, spluttering water all over the table. "You're from Devon?" I coughed.

"I am." He stated. "Born and raised.

Aurora, is there no wolf scents at all?′ I asked her.

I wanted to be sure. I haven't changed much in the last three years, plus my bright red curly hair gives me away too much to be incognito.

No wolf. No danger.′ She replied.

I let out the breath I was holding in and chuckled. "Huh, small world. Me too." I exclaimed.

"Definitely is." He chuckled.

I leaned back in the chair and nodded. I reached for the water bottle and gulped down the rest of it. As more time goes on, I'm getting more nervous and anxious. Knowing I'm closer to going home, having to sit on a plane for fifteen hours already makes Aurora and I feel jittery.

I didn't let Aurora out much, mainly with how busy Vancouver always was. I didn't live near the countryside; I stayed in the city. I knew there was less chance of me running into a wolf in the city. So Aurora is itching to be let out and to run freely.

'Flight two six three to Exeter is ready to board. Calling all passengers to gate three b. Sorry for the inconvenience.'

"Oh, that wasn't much of a delay." Ezra smiled, standing up. "I hope I have the window seat." He exulted, clapping his hands together like a pup.

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