Day Seven

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Rose left the Psych Ward on this day. It's Christmas Eve and I'm happy for her because it means she can spend the holiday with her children just as she'd been hoping for. So I suppose I should go over some information about Rose.

I didn't learn much about her, despite doing everything with her. She didn't speak loudly or often. Rose had a cast on her foot because it was set wrong from an accident long ago. She had to walk with a walker. She had come to the hospital because she was depressed and anxious. It wasn't her first time in this particular Psych Ward either. That's why she knew what to do on her Day One almost immediately.

I'm not sure if Rose got any better because she seemed more intent on just leaving so she could be with her kids. However, before she left she spent some time speaking to me about my own treatment.

Keep going to groups and stay in the Sun Room so they can see you. That's how you get out of here quickly. If you stay in your room, they notice and they record it. So just keep doing what we were doing and you'll be out in no time.

Notice I'm only on day seven of twelve... apparently there's not really a perfect formula!

After Rose left, I cried because I knew we wouldn't talk in the future even after exchanging numbers. It hurts to get close to someone knowing it's temporarily. A really nice nurse name J.T. came in to give me tissues and to talk to me. He'd heard I was SI two days ago, meaning suicidal ideation. I told him what happened and then explained that I was feeling much better these past two days. J.T. was the only nurse to ever take patients aside and actually ask how they were besides the basic questions and he was my favorite. He also was really awkward and strange, making painful jokes and doing the robot or some shit. I thought it was hilarious.

Besides Rose leaving, I again spent my day in the Sun Room coloring. I also met a patient named Allie, who seemed like a bright ball of sunshine. We ended up connecting after having no one else suitable to hang out with and we got along well. Allie was a beautiful woman with two children and a loving husband. She'd apparently been struggling with anxiety and a bit of depression that came with it. After swallowing ten pills, she was sent to the hospital by her husband.

Allie says she didn't intend to try to kill herself, but was just looking to get some rest. The doctors disagreed and decided she did try to kill herself. Either way, she ended up in the Psych Ward almost as long as I did. Almost.

Allie read books and I colored. That was how we ended Day Seven.

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