45 : A Succubus' Call

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Natasha was thrown back into hers and Noah's room following the hit she had taken from Damien. What gave her consolation was that he would probably die from the energy ball that she had hit him with before she had been attacked in turn. Although dragons were near impossible to kill, the essence she had taken from all the supernatural creatures around her had given her enough to mortally wound even an immortal.

Consolation turned quickly to dread, however, then remorse. Had he been right? Had Noah's crusade been unwarranted. She was, after all, the reason he had done what he had done.

"My fault," she whispered in a broken voice as she dragged herself to the mirror. "It was all my fault. I brought this on everyone."

As tears welled in her eyes and fell down her newly reformed body, she placed her hand on the mirror. She did not wipe her tears away as her memories resurfaced and she thought back to that day.


Natasha paced the floors of the conservatory, her red hair flying as she walked quickly up and down. She had bitten her thumbnail down to the flesh and droplets of blood formed there. She groaned as she turned, thrusting her fingers into her loose hair and tugging hard. Enoch found her in this state and rushed to her side.

"Natasha," he called, alarmed by her condition. He was clearly happy that she had called him, but her state was alarming. "Have you made your decision?"

He reached out to take her hand and she pulled away from him, her eyes wild.

"I have. We have to stop this, Enoch. I have to stay with my mate."

Although he was furious, Enoch knew that yelling at her would have little effect. He took a deep breath and took a step away from her, giving her room to continue her pacing.

"Have you told him the child is mine?" he asked instead, trying to keep the rage out of his voice.

Natasha shook her head. "He will forgive me. He has to."

There was a desperation in her voice that Enoch picked up. "I would not forgive you, Natasha, and neither will he."

Agitated, Enoch moved forward and grabbed her, holding her close to him firmly without hurting her. "I love you, Natasha. Let me take care of you. Of you and our child."

"Twins, Enoch. I feel two heartbeats. Two boys."

Despite the situation, pride lit up Enoch's face and he held a hand to her stomach. "My boys," he whispered.

Natasha pulled herself away from him and glared at him. "I cannot go with you. I need to stay with Noah. I love him. We swore an oath to each other."

"You were not saying that every time I had you beneath me, Natasha. All I'm asking is for a life with you and my children."

"No," she told him. "I will never leave Noah."

"And my children? What will you tell him about them?" Enoch demanded.

"He believes they are his," she whispered, tears falling.

"And when they turn sixteen and shift for the first time? How will you explain that?"

Natasha was openly crying now, big tears rolling down her face.

"We have wanted children for years and now we will have them. The how will not matter to him," she told him, clearly trying to convince herself more than him. "He will love them as I will love them."

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