49~ Natalie White

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I couldn't help but be overwhelmed in tears of joy as my dad came up to me and hugged in the middle of the court.

"It's finally o-over dad. Emma got her justice!", I cried as I hugged him tightly.

"Yes she did princess. I'm so proud of you. So very proud", I felt his tears fall on me.

Pulling back, I smiled at my dad and turned around to thank Mr Malsha.

"Mr Malsha, thank you so much. I owe it to you", I took his hand in mine and squeezed tightly with gratitude.

"You owe me nothing Miss White. You did this all by yourself, I was just your spokesman", He smiled at me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

Before I could comprehend what happened, I was pulled into a familiar hard and warm chest.
"Congratulations mia Bella."

"Xav I did it!", my voice came out muffled against his chest as I smiled and wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"Yes you did. I knew you could!", Xavier smiled back at me.

"Congratulations on the win sissy", Damien winked as I pulled away from Xavier.

"Thanks browski", I winked back at him as he scrunched his face at me.

"I see you two are getting along", Dad cleared his throat as he arched a brow at Damien and I

"Nah. We're just tolerating each other for now is a happy moment", I shrugged as I snuggled into Xavier.

"Do you want to go get ice cream?", Xavier inquired while tightening his hold on me.

"Yes!", the reply came from Damien

"He didn't ask you", I stated the obvious as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't care. He came in my car, so unless you want to travel on a bus to the parlour, I suggest you include me", Damien grinned evilly while I rolled my eyes at him.

"Okay, whatever fine, let's go"

Xavier, Damien and I got into his precious Ferrari and drove to the parlour. After getting the ice creams we wanted to go, we parked near an isolated lake.

We ate in silence while admiring the scenery before Damien and I played rock, paper, scissors to see who would have to walk to the trash to throw away the empty ice cream cups.

I won and Damien left while whining. Leaving me and Xavier alone.

"Xav", I turned in his arms to stare at him.


"Cheriè's being discharged tomorrow right?"

"Yeah", he nodded at me.

"Do you think...she'd mind a trip to the countryside with you and I?

"What do you mean Bella?"

"Do you want to take a couple of days break from school and go to our country home with me?", I looked down at the fascinating grass as I spoke, nervous that he'd say no."

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