Chapter 17 - Ice Skating

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"I hate you guys." Allen grumbled. "Now look what you have done, Sean and the twins are already acting more weird with me. Even my brother too!" he groaned, falling on the bed with his back.

"Hey! Don't blame us. It's your fault that you didn't bring clothes to change. If only you did, you wouldn't have went home wearing destroyed clothes!" Az defended.

"If you didn't suddenly drag me and teleported me towards those human traffickers, I would've prepared! You guys didn't even bother teleporting me home!" Allen exclaimed as he sat up and flailed both of his arms in anger.

"If we did that, your driver would be suspicious that you went home from school alone. Like, hello? It's unusual for the bratty Allen Coldwell to go home by himself!" Az protested.

"Seeing my horrible appearance from the other day was already suspicious enough!" Allen huffed. Before he could even say more, Alicia popped out of nowhere, completely surprising the two.

"Guys, the butler is coming this way." Alicia whispered.

Allen's eyebrows rised. "Butler? You mean Sean?" he questioned. But before he could even get an answer from the girl, the two disappeared as they heard footsteps.

Allen just sighed and waited for the door to open. To no one's surprise, Sean was the one who entered the room.

"Young master, it is time for breakfast." Sean said.

Allen stared for a while, then he gave out a slight nod and walked out from his bedroom. The boy looked behind, seeing the butler follow him. He finds it really strange. He noticed lately that Sean had always been the one who reminds or announces to him about anything. Before, it was always different servants who comes near him and remind him for breakfast or something. Allen finds it really weird. How come Sean's the one who's been around him lately? Even Kyla and the twins.

Allen hoped that they won't dig more information from him. It would be bad if they find out the truth related to his activities lately.

"Good morning, young master." says a feminine voice.

Allen snapped out from his thoughts as he looks at the maid who greeted him. He sees Kyla, looking at him with a smile while carrying a tray of cookies. The boy arched a brow, but he greeted back anyways with unsureness in his voice.

"It is a very lovely morning, isn't it?" Kyla says cheerfully.

'Since when was she this cheerful around me?' Allen thought. He decided to brush off the thought and replied to the maid.

"Not really." he grumbled. Honestly, everyday wasn't a lovely day for him, most of the time.

Kyla continues to smile sweetly, ignoring Allen's grumpiness. She also walks with Sean, starting to follow Allen as well. Now Allen really does wonder if it is a good thing for these guys to follow him around.

As Allen arrives the dining room. He casually sits with his family and eats breakfast like he normally does. He observes around, trying to see if Ronald said something to them about the other day. To the boy's relief, it seems he didn't. But that relief got washed away as he sees Ronald, eying him intently. He almost shrink at his older brother's stares.

"Allen." their father, Elliott, suddenly spoke.

Everyone turned their attention to him.

"Yes, father?" Allen questioned.

"I noticed that your grades still remain average. Why is that?" Elliott asked.

Allen looked at him and gave out a slight frown. "Uh, I don't know?" he shrugged.

The Peculiar Case Of A Novel's Villain (Paused)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें