Welcome to Highschool

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Heyy so Im starting with a 3rd persons view so you guys can get a feel of how people see August and Adrian.

(August and Adrian are Seniors)

~3rd person POV~

August walked through those big school doors strolling in his black skinny jeans and oversized hello kitty sweater. With his pink Vans to top it off. As soon as he did, girls came swarming towards him. Actually let me rephrase that. They went swarming beside him, because he happen to walk in at the same time as Mr. Adrian. The king of the school. August was almost toppled over by girls trying to confess or touch Adrian.

Adrian walked right through them looking at his phone than straight forward not paying attention to anyone. He walked to his locker , when he opened it at least 5 love letters fell out. He grabbed his books and walked away trampling the letters.

August went to his locker and grabbed his things quietly. He than went up to one of his friends and tugged on her sleeve to let her know he's ready. She, also known as Alyssa, nodded and held his hand all the way to his class. He stepped in and almost no one noticed him except for the teacher and one of his friends. He sat in the back next to Thomas, or Tommy . Thomas was a jock but cared about August like his little brother. He protected him from bigger guys. And he always motivated him to be more outgoing. Although it's hard to be always looking out for him when he also has a girlfriend he has to care for. But he believed he had enough space in his heart for both.

"Hey Augy" .

"Hi Tommy".

"How are you buddy?" .

August was quiet for a while and thought hard about the question. Should he answer honestly or just say what his friend wanted to hear?

"I'm okay Tommy, just tired today".

"You sure babe?".

"Yeah I'm sure".

(Thomas has a girlfriend like I mentioned he only calls August, Babe, as a nickname)

Adrian walked into the class just before the Bell and sat in the middle of the class. All eyes on him as if he was some god who had just entered through the door. He wasn't a god but don't get it wrong, he definitely looked like one. His tanned skin, complementing his muscles that looked like they were sculpted by god himself. Than his piercing green eyes that were slightly covered by his wavy black hair. And the top it off it was all complemented by a 6 foot 2 inches frame. He sat down flawlessly. He grabbed his materials and started writing his notes and answering all the questions like his life depended on it. It kind of did. He very much cared about having his teachers on his side. As he wrote, his 70 dollar pen smoothly released ink  in cursive that seemed unflawed.

As soon as class was over August and Adrian waited till the majority of people had left so they wouldn't have to deal with too many sweaty bodies in the hallways.

"Hey Augy , I'm heading home for the day. I have basketball field trip with my team".

" Wait Tommy you're not gonna make it to my thing?" August blurts out unaware Adrian accidentally overheard.

"I can't sorry baby, I can't make it. Show me next time?".

"Okay" August says sadly with a big pout on his face.

Adrian left the room questioning their nicknames for each other and headed for his next class. He shrugged off what he over heard, not that he cared anyway.

August reached on his tippy toes and wrapped his arms around Thomas's neck and gave him a hug. Thomas gave him a kiss on the head and patted his hair reassuring him he'll be fine.

August quickly packs his things and heads off with another quick bye and heads to class. He shook off the though of Thomas leaving and entered his classroom. He didn't like Thomas or anything but he was very clingy. Something no one really noticed about him. Well nobody noticed him in general. After a couple more classes he goes to lunch and meets up with Alyssa, Miley(Thomas's Girlfriend), and Abigale. He sits with them and picks at his food while they chatter on about how they're happy tomorrow is Friday.

August was about to say something when cheering erupted in the cafeteria. Of course the cheering is from Adrian after he heroically saved a girl from tripping. The girl said thank you and sat down quickly by her friends. August than quickly got up and speed walked out of the cafeteria. He really had to pee. He satisfied himself just in time. Than he walked out bumping into a figure. He looked up and saw the piercing green eyes staring back down at him. His frame compared to Adrian's was certainly very dramatic. He quickly moves, as Adrian makes no move to move aside, and walks away. Adrian, annoyed by the gesture, scoffs and goes in the bathroom.

The end of the day comes around and both August and his friends go home. While Adrian stays at school for football practice.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰


I probably update 3 or 4 times a week😉 Let me know if you're enjoying the story!

Not so InnocentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora