Chapter 1 'Work Trouble'

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-Stephen P.O.V -

I've had a pretty bad life, most people would have given up already if they had my life but I'm different I'm not some little cry baby. I actually try in life unlike most people in this horrible world that aren't trying and take the easy path in life, which I think is stupid since then you can't learn anything but I guess that's why there stupid.

I'm nineteen and only have a high school degree, I passed school with straight A's and had University's at my door step but I rejected them all.

Not because I thought all of them sucked, oh no I actually wanted to go but I couldn't.

I have a little sister and my parents are never home and if they are they fight most of the time, I could never leave her so I decided to stay and take her of her my self, instead of my parents that can't do shit in their life, they couldn't take care if their own son!

I would move mountains for my little sister but for now I take her to the park when she wants to and to school, I also go to all her little parties and everything else that she wants to go to even her little dance practices. She's my life I couldn't leave her like that it would be cruel and I couldn't live without her, she's the only one I'm actually living for.

That's why I'm here, I'm here waiting for her dancing class to end. I do this every Wednesday and Friday for my little sister.

I look out my window, rain drops rolling down my window, I distract myself by seeing which raindrop would get to the bottom first. I bet on one that was going pretty fast but soon another one came and flew past it and won.

"Fucking cheater, you used some kind of boost!" I said to the now non-existing raindrop. After playing my little game I sit up and look at my flip phone that says 5:30. I take a deep breath knowing I had to get out in the rain to get my little sister. I put on my navy blue jacket that's pretty old but it's one of the best ones I have, I turn off my car taking the key out of the ignition and open the door and immediately I'm hit with strong rain drops as I close my door and run to the dance studio.

I sigh in relief as soon as I touch the dance studio door opening it and walking inside, my shoes squeaking as I do. I ruffle my short black hair as water droplets fall on the floor, my crystal blue eyes look up seeing Kayla at the counter. I smile and walk up to her.

"Hey, class almost over?"I ask her as I lay on the counter. She smiled and nods looking at the door.

"Yep, they should be coming out in a second." she says and looks at me as she types something in the computer. "Oh by the way she's doing amazing, I think she's got talent that little girl!" She says to me.

I look up and smile at her "It's the least I could do for her, it's what she wanted to do." I tell Kayla, chuckling.

She gave me a warm smile but it seems sad. I raise an eyebrow at her "What's wrong?" I ask her not knowing why she was like that, though most people would give me that look when they knew about me and my life as well as Riley's.

She giggles "Nothing just that you do so much for her it's cute, I think your a perfect idol for her." she admits just as I hear the door opening. My little sisters chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes meeting mine.

I look at Kayla and smile "Thanks but I wish I could give her more." I said, as I open my arms for my little sister which in turn makes her face light up as she runs to me. Her little arms open to me as she jumps on me her head going to the crook of my neck. I laugh and stand up hugging her in my arms.

I look up and see Ollie, Kayla's boyfriend coming to me.

"As always she did amazing and also I want to talk to you about something." He says to me, I nod and look at my little sister. Her bright hazel eyes look at my blue eyes and she smiles her amazing smile that I can't get enough of.

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