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Chapter 1

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Clutching my shoes in my hand, I glanced back over my shoulder one last time at the man still in bed behind me. He was tangled up in the sheets, sound asleep and completely unaware that I was about to make a getaway. The colorful artwork on his back was on full display, rising and falling with each gentle breath. Just a few short hours ago, I had been underneath him as he rocked his hips against mine, driving me absolutely wild with the way he touched my body like he had known me his entire life. He explored every muscle, every freckle, every sensitive spot I had that drove me further and further into the abyss. He trailed his fingers along me like he was playing an intricate symphony, and I was his piano. And wow, the way his lips felt against mine. No one had ever kissed me like that before, and my body was aching for more even though we'd been at it until the sun came up, only collapsing into bed and falling asleep when we were both on the very edge of exhaustion.

I was almost certain that if I put my shoes down, took off this dress, and climbed back into bed with him I'd immediately be back in that position. That the sleeping stranger would be happy to indulge me, and we'd spend the day finding new places in this hotel room to christen. That we'd stay far away from reality for as long as possible, lost in this magical world we'd created fifty floors above New York City. A world where names didn't matter and the responsibilities we were both bound by didn't exist. It was perfect, and the second I walked out this door, it would all come to a screeching halt.

There really was no choice, though; it was what we'd promised each other, after all. No strings, no obligations, and definitely no names. Somewhere along the way it had shifted, though. Between our conversations and the sex, a connection had formed, and that was exactly why I couldn't stay. I was in no position for anything more than a one-night stand with this guy, despite the pull that we both felt. As much fun as it was, that was all it was—fun—and it was time to head back to reality now.

Desperate not to wake him, I opened the door as quietly as I could before slipping out. It would be much harder to deny him if he was awake and pleading with me to stay. The last thing he asked of me as we drifted to sleep was to promise I would still be there in the morning, and here I was doing the walk of shame down a hotel hallway still wearing the dress I'd had on the night before.

I was glad no one was in the elevator on my way down, as it was obvious from the state of my appearance that I'd been up all night. But that wasn't the case in the crowded lobby. It was only six in the morning, yet the entrance was already bustling with people who were no doubt judging my smudged makeup and crumpled curls. I still had to get an Uber back to the bar so I could pick up my car and then get back to my house before anyone knew I hadn't come home last night. I had snuck in and out of that house so many times that I could probably do it in my sleep, but I was still kicking myself for running the chance of my father catching me. Luckily, my ride came quickly and I was soon on my way.

It was my own fault I was in this situation, trying to sneak back home after leaving a naked man in a hotel room following arguably one of the best nights of my life. I could have done the responsible thing—finished up my date and gone home to bed—but responsibility wasn't exactly my calling card, at least not recently. I was the youngest and wildest of the Moretti children. The one you could always count on to do the dangerous or irresponsible thing. The one people expected to screw up. It was why, even at twenty-three, my father was keeping me on a short leash. If he caught me crawling back into the house after my one-night stand, there would be hell to pay.

It wasn't like I was dealing with just any overprotective father here. My father, Liam Moretti, was the head of a faction of the Italian Mafia. He ran one of the largest criminal organizations in the New York area, and was just as intimidating as a father as he was as a Mob boss.

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