Chapter One

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''It's two o'clock in the mornin'
I'm jaged up, and I'm horny
All I need now is some moanin'
That pussy got me zonin'
Her vibe tell me she want it
She gotta fuck how she on me
I got her tonight 'cause she joanin'
I know in the panty she foamin'
I'm locked eyes on that monkey'',

Plies hypnotized was blasting inside Club X-Rated and me and just about every female was cutting up on the dance floor. I always made sure I went to the middle of the dance floor and just imagined I was the only one there just cutting loose. DJ Rip knew his club was my scene every weekend and he always made sure to shout me out.

''I see ya Kesh in all red.... you on fire girl!!!!!''. Dudes will roar to agree and females seem to just hate. Don't get me wrong I loved the attention but I definitely don't demand it and the people that knew me knows that.

All of a sudden I hear a deep sexy voice whisper in my ear,'' Damn Kesh can I dance with you?''. I turned around and saw a dark figure with a mouth full of golds smelling good as hell but I politely told him no but he could continue to watch me from afar. ''You a little too cocky ma' he replied. I thought about walking away but realizing he interrupted my zone I told him I'm not cocky you just ugly not my type. I don't understand why dudes get upset when they get turned down from a woman but believe it or not I come to X-Rated to block out all the bullshit I have to deal with in reality.

See I am the oldest of 5 girls and unfortunately I have to take care of all of them. Our ages are 13, set of twins who are 16, 18 and 21. We all have the same mother but the twins and the 13 year old dad was killed in a drive by. Me and the 18 year old father is an old drunk who got AIDS and instead of trying to better himself he's acting like a dumbass. Trying to have sex with anything and anyone even his own kids and step. My mother is just as bad as him..... she's a crack head who will basically steal and do anything for a high.

While trying to get far away from ol boy I hear someone yelling my damn name....... "KESH ....KESH" my sister Jasmine was signaling me to come join her at the bar where she was talking to a couple of guys. She was right under me in age but the way she act you will swear she was 15 instead of 18 but the way she was raise she always felt the need to be in a bunch of dudes faces no matter where she go knowing she got a crazy ass man name Tyrone who just got out of prison for murder. I'm looking at her ass like if Tyrone find out WTF you doing he gonna fuck your ass up. But Jasmine always had that idgaf attitude. I finally get over to the bar and she completely drunk just entertaining two junkies and had the audacity to try to hook me up with one. I swear I hope this girl don't follow in her parents footsteps.

I grabbed her by the arm and we headed straight to the ladies room. I'm thinking to myself I can never enjoy myself. We get in the ladies room and I'm trying to tell her how she needs to act like a lady and not some damn thot but before she could answer we heard a loud as bang on the door

"Jasmine I know your ass in the bathroom and if you don't want me to drag your ass out you better come out''. She looking at me like Kesh that's Tyrone, wtf am I going to do. I wanted to say ain't no damn we but no matter what I will have my sister back whether she's right or wrong. She's like how in the hell do this nigga know where I be at all the time so I joked around and said '' he might have a gps chip in your ass or something lol and of course she doesn't think it's funny as me.

For a quick sec I forgot crazy ass Tyrone was outside because the banging stopped and I saw this 6 feet 5 nigga standing over me I just knew shit was about to get real. Jasmine starts crying but Tyrone doesn't seem to be feeding into the bs. He yells at her you think I'm going to keep letting you embarrassed me in public with these crown ass niggas...... You constantly acting like you single and shit and if that's what you want you can have that shit. I'm like boy hush y'all do this all the time...... Jasmine still crying and I'm like look y'all need to figure this shit out because it's getting old so just makeup and get out the damn bathroom. Now I feel my night is messed up and I was ready to go until I saw him. A tall, handsome man with hazel eyes , tats that seems to be all over (my imagination)and an appearance that damn sho' had me in a stand still.

He was at the bar and apparently searching the room like he was looking for someone and I'm like bae I'm right here lol..... I have no idea why this stranger had this affect on me. I just had a lot going on and forgot how it felt to feel arouse by a man. Hesitating if I should leave or go sit next to him at the bar. I'm like fuck it I'm going for it.

***I wonder what would happen???
Will he talk to Kesh or not***

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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