The arrival

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Hey I'm Mia! I just moved to Cali to go to The college Cal berkely. I'm so excited but I am still gonna miss my family. But this is the year I meet new people and start a new year. And I am hoping to meet someone who accepts the lesbian side of me. Yes, my family knows. I say my good byes to my family as I arrive at the college. I walk inside and there's a lady waiting to get me to check In. "Hello, what's your name honey." She says. "I'm Mia Callehan." I reply. She scrolls down on her computer to find my name. "Here you go Mia, your in dorm 204 with Ms.Harper. Here's your keys. Don't lose them because we won't give you another." She says. "K, thanks." I reply. Yes! I get to share the dorm with a girl. This is perfect. I take the elevator up to the second floor and look for dorm 204. I find the dorm and use the keys to unlock it. I open the door to find...

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