18 6 2

After a particularly taxing day at college, I yearned for the solace of home. Saying my farewells to Mihika and Tarun , who were off for a date, I set off, eager to sink into the comfort of my pillows.

As I strolled, tunes in my ears, an idea struck - why not indulge in a solo date? Just me, myself, and I. The thought excited me.

Upon entering my apartment, I was greeted by chaos. Books and clothes lay scattered, and the bed was unmade. Instead of tidying up, I decided to prioritize my solo date - I needed some joy before facing the mess.

Selecting a cute floral maxi dress from my drawer, I caught my reflection in the mirror. Despite fleeting thoughts of beauty, I quickly dismissed them, settling on the notion that I was cute, not beautiful.

With minimal accessories - a delicate butterfly pendant necklace, golden earrings, and rings - I completed my attire with Converse shoes, ready for my solo outing.

A solo date, I believed, was essential for refreshing the mind. It was liberating, a chance to lift my spirits after a long day.

Sometimes, solitude was all I craved. Conversing with myself, getting to know myself, and feeling good about it. My agenda for this solo date was simple: enjoy my own company.

Though I cherished solitary outings during my school days, my mother never allowed me the freedom. "Alone? Who goes to cafes alone?"She would say. Even with friends, she was sometimes hesitant. It was a common narrative among brown parents, a thought that amused me.

Stepping outside, I noticed the impending rain. I loved this weather before the downpour - the cool breeze, absent sun, and dark clouds.

Attempting to hire a three-wheeler, I found them uncooperative. Eventually, I secured a ride and arrived at my destination.

The evening slipped by, and as I made my way home, the surroundings grew darker and more deserted. It wasn't a menacing darkness; rather, a peaceful serenity enveloped the atmosphere.

As rain began to pour, and with no rickshaws in sight, I opted to walk, relishing the cool rain. Spotting a flower shop, I crossed the road to purchase flowers, believing a date without them was incomplete.

Hurrying back across the road with my flowers and dinner, the rain intensified. In my haste, the flowers slipped from my grasp, leaving me momentarily disheartened.

I didn't notice the car approaching until it was almost upon me. My eyes widened in horror as the headlights sliced through the rain and fog, illuminating my impending danger. With a sharp gasp, I tried to lunge out of the way, but my ankle betrayed me, buckling beneath my weight. I hit the ground hard, the cold, wet asphalt biting into my skin.

My heart hammered in my chest as I pushed myself up, a surge of adrenaline numbing the pain for a moment. I attempted to move, to escape the oncoming vehicle, but my ankle protested, sending me crashing back down onto the road. Panic surged through me as I realized the car was too close, its headlights blinding in the darkness.

I heard the roar of the engine, bracing myself for impact, squeezing my eyes shut, but it never came.

Instead, there was the screech of tires against wet pavement, the sound deafening in the stillness of the night. The car stopped at the last moment, missing me by mere inches. My breath caught in my throat as I lay there, shaken and terrified, the realization of how close I had come to disaster sinking in.

Time seemed to stretch, the world holding its breath, before reality crashed back in - the storm raging around me, the car's headlights glaring accusingly in the darkness. I thought it might be the end, time to meet God, as I fell, hurting my knee.

For a fleeting moment, the world seemed to still as I braced for the worst. I looked up to thank whoever was inside. Relief flooded my veins, warm emotions in my stomach as I expressed gratitude to both fate and the unseen hero in the car.

My flowers were scattered, dinner ruined by the rain. I lay on the rain-soaked road, a moment frozen in time. Hurriedly, I tried to get up, limping to the footpath with an injured ankle and knee.

Now, stranded and unable to stand, each step echoing the vulnerability of the unexpected turn of events.

The pain served as a gentle reminder of life's fragility. I wondered how I'd make it home. It was my fault, not looking around while crossing.

Glancing back at the paused car, a mix of emotions stirred, leaving a lingering flutter in my stomach. My eyes couldn't believe what they saw.

The simple act of crossing the road had turned into a moment of unexpected twists and turns, leaving me in a mix of emotions under the pouring rain.

-->> hey lovies <<--


📖 I hope you enjoyed the fourth chapter of [Healing mirrors]! I poured my heart and soul into writing it, and I'd love to hear what you thought. Did you like it or not ?? Let me know in the comments below! Your feedback means the world to me and helps me improve my writing. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me! ❤️✨

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