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"If there's one thing you could have most in the world, what would you have?" Shruti asked Simran, as they were walking down the street to hang out at the cafe they'd discovered recently. It had games and food - two things that Shruti loved.

"A person who's always with me." Simran grinned. "That's it."

"Seriously, that's it? What about anything material? I got one could not go without my phone."

"Oh if you're saying it like that then I guess my bed? I love that mattress to death." Simran laughed.

"Yeah, fair point."


"So, what made you speak to me all of a sudden?" Simran asked as the man in front of her ran his hand through his hair, nervousness apparent on his face. She'd never believe this happened if it wasn't happening right in front of her.

The Virat Kohli is nervous.

Simran must have done a good deed lately, to have him in front of her, trying to initiate a normal conversation. He had asked to speak to her on the school grounds when their break was happening - so Simran had come out 10 minutes later, curious to know what the hell was going on.

"I- uh. Fuck there's no easy way to start." He mumbled, Simran straining to hear.

"Is this about the investigation that we're doing? I mean, there was no need to speak personally on that." Simran continued, Virat struggling to start the speech he's so painstakingly prepared.

"I'm sorry." He finally spat out, looking at Simran who stared at him with surprise. "For all the bullshit I pulled on you. Not that you were bad in bed, I'm not trying to offend you but I shouldn't have approached you for that thing. We shouldn't have done it, it was one of my sick fantasies and I'm sorry to have pulled you into this."

"Oh wow." Simran finally popped out after a moment of awkward silence. "I was not expecting that."

"Yeah." Virat mumbled. "I'm hoping that you'd forgive me but it's pretty much impossible. Us returning to normal conversation is also quite difficult so I'd like if we could just tolerate one another."

"I accept your apology." Simran replied after a few minutes, Virat looking up in surprise. "It was my fault that I agreed to your proposition. I never truly saw you as a friend, when Jasprit and I came into a relationship, he introduced me to you and I was entranced by you. You were the perfect person, according to me. Whatever we did, it was all consensual. I just have one question. Why did you choose me?"

"I don't know." He replied. "You were Anushka's choice really. She thought you'd be the safest person to ask and even if something happened with Jasprit, the only person who has really friends with him was Bhuvi." He shrugged. "We really didn't think that you'd agree."

"I surprised myself with how big of a whore I was." Simran laughed, causing Virat to give a small smile. "I don't think I loved Jasprit as much as he loved me. The right thing was to break up. Instead I did something worse."

"We all did." Virat said, nodding. "I really am sorry, Simran. Anything you require from me, I'll gladly help."

"Really?" Simran asked, looking at him. "Can I ask you for one favour then? I've heard you have connections with people who can get you the information you need."

"I do." He nodded. "Anything you require?"

"I want to know all about Shreyas Iyer. You can never be too careful, with whatever's happening now."


"Simran." Meera stopped her in the corridor. "It's been long since we spoke."

"It has." Simran replied. "Congratulations on your new relationship. Hardik's a good guy."

"Thank you." Meera was taken aback. Why was Simran commenting on Hardik? "Looking to fuck my boyfriend as well?"

"What, no!" Simran looked disgusted at the thought. "Hardik's a chill guy and besides, if you're really thinking about that, you should probably talk to Gia." She snickered, Meera frowning.

"What do you need?" Simran started walking slowly, Meera walking with her. "I have a lot of things to do."

"I was thinking of having a small party." Meera hummed. "Wanted to try out the party hosting scene."

"Oh really?" Simran turned to her. "Are you inviting me?"

"And your whole group." Meera nodded. "Bring as many people as you can."

"Even Virat?" Simran asked, curious.

"Especially Virat."


"So Meera's throwing a party and we think it's one of them?" Virat spoke as the whole gang nodded, everyone being present there. Nupur and Ritika were seething, muttering about how middle class people can't keep with their social strata, while their boyfriends were trying to calm them down.

"Simran, did Shruti ever seem like that to you? Someone who'd take revenge?" Gia asked.

"No." Simran was shocked. "No, she was really nice to me. Guys are you sure about this? I don't want to confront her."

"Nobody will confront anybody." Bhuvi spoke. "You guys are too hot headed to do anything and for your information, you've landed yourselves in enough shit to last you a lifetime. So without proof, no one's going anywhere."

"Bhuvi's right." Rohit affirmed, being serious for once. "We need to think this out, thoroughly."

"There's this party that Meera's hosting." Simran said quietly, everyone turning their heads towards her. "She told me to call all of you."

"Wait what?" Gia asked. "Not to be mean but she's throwing a party?"

"Something's going to happen there, I can feel it." Anushka grumbled. "But we need proof."

"I can speak to her." Gia said. "I mean I can talk to her normally, she wouldn't suspect me."

"Fair point." Nupur nodded. "Okay, talk to her, figure this whole thing out. I'm getting nervous, we need to be on our guard tomorrow, she may or may not pull something."

"Wait, we're going tomorrow?" Rohit asked. "Wouldn't it be safer if we didn't go?"

"No, we have to." Ritika nodded. "If we don't go, we don't get proof."

"You better watch out, Meera."

They've all got a clue it could be her! But they need proof and she isn't going to admit this on her own😔

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