The Proposal and The Heartache

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"Break yourself into a thousand pieces and deny me each and every one of them. Because I am never letting you go."


As Abhimanyu observed Riddhima interacting with others, a seething jealousy stirred within him, a raging fire fueled by possessiveness. However, he maintained a steadfast restraint, especially when it came to Veer.

Veer, his friend, was someone he trusted implicitly. Despite Abhimanyu's affection for Riddhima, he recognized Veer's platonic regard for her, akin to a protective older brother. Yet, the blue-eyed monster still gnawed at him, especially when other girls hovered too closely around Riddhima.

"They shouldn't be so clingy; they weren't like this before. I despise it,"

he mused inwardly, his thoughts laced with resentment. "Just a little longer, princess, and I'll ensure no one even lays eyes on you, let alone touches you,"

he silently vowed, his possessive streak intensifying.

The overwhelming jealousy threatened to engulf him, prompting his swift departure from the scene. "The meeting is adjourned,"

he announced tersely before making his exit, seeking solace from the tumult of his emotions.

Meanwhile, Riddhima confided in Veer, seeking solace and solutions. "This is a big issue ,"

Veer acknowledged, his mind already churning with ideas. "I'd advise you to consider an arranged marriage. Your current boyfriend doesn't sit well with me; practically anyone else would be a better match,"

he suggested, his concern evident.

"Enough, Veer! You're of no help,"

Riddhima retorted, her frustration palpable.

"If Abhi were here, he'd swiftly offer a solution. He could never bear to see me distressed,"

she lamented, her anguish evident.

"Do you honestly believe Abhi would permit you to have a boyfriend?"

Veer challenged, a knowing glint in his eyes.

"Could you please clarify?"

she inquired, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"Quite innocent, aren't you?"

he muttered under his breath.

"Pardon me, what was that?"

she pressed for an answer once more.

"Ah, it's of no consequence. Give it some thought, perhaps meet with Aarav, and a solution may present itself. For now, enjoy your coffee,"

he responded, his tone suggesting a mix of patience and encouragement.


Days passed, but Aarav remained elusive, responding only with cryptic messages, leaving Riddhima in a state of uncertainty and distress,not answering any of Riddhima's calls. Instead, he sent her a brief text message:

"Busy at the moment. I'll get in touch with you in a few days. <3"         ~Aarav

A month later, Riddhima's mother, engrossed in her project with the Shekhawat Industries, grew closer to Abhimanyu. Despite his typically guarded nature,

Abhimanyu found himself developing a newfound respect for Sheetal Malhotra, purely because she was Riddhima's mother.

"Mr. Shekhawat," Sheetal began, her tone gentle yet probing. "You can call me Abhimanyu,"

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