Tangled Emotions

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After considerable contemplation, Riddhima finally expressed to her mother, "Mumma, I need some time to process this."

"Why have you developed feelings for someone?"

her mother inquired, her tone tinged with disappointment.

"It's not like that, Mom. I simply need time to grasp the gravity of marriage,"

she fibbed, concealing her true feelings to spare her mother any distress.

"Take all the time you need, dear. I trust you'll make the right decision, and you'll always have my support,"

her mother reassured, tenderly patting her head.

Riddhima felt a pang of guilt in her heart, realizing the extent of her mother's trust and her own betrayal.

After their conversation, Riddhima retreated to her room, her mind swirling with thoughts

"What should I do now? If Mumma is suddenly discussing marriage, she must have someone in mind for me. And if I'll tell this to Aarav, he'll only blame me. I need to talk to Veer,"

she muttered to herself.

She reached for her phone and dialed Veer's number, growing increasingly frustrated when he didn't pick up.

"Should I call Di? No, she's already stressed. What now?"

Riddhima pondered, running her hands through her hair in frustration.


The dining table exuded an air of formality, adorned with elegant dinnerware, while the assembled family members took their seats, creating a tableau of familial gathering.

Among them sat Abhimanyu's grandmother, his uncle (Chacha), aunt (chachi), two cousins, and his sister, each occupying a distinct place in the familial hierarchy.

The tragic loss of Abhimanyu's parents in a fatal car accident had left an indelible mark on him, transforming his demeanor and worldview.

He harbored suspicions that the accident had not been a mere twist of fate but rather a result of calculated machinations, with his uncle, Ajay Singh Shekhawat, implicated in his mind.

"Where is Abhimanyu? Has he not returned from the office yet?"

his grandmother inquired.

"I don't know, Maa. He never listens to anyone; he does as he pleases," Ajay replied, frustration evident in his tone.

"Yes, indeed. He even blocked my credit card,"

Abhimanyu's cousin Karan chimed in.

"How dare he block my son's credit card? Is he going to monitor our finances now too?" Ajay fumed.

"Calm down, Ajay. I'll speak to Abhi about this,"

his mother interjected.

"And what will you say to him, Maa? Does he even listen to you?"

Ajay retorted, his voice rising.

As Abhimanyu stepped into the dining hall, a cacophony of sound assaulted his ears, prompting him to question the source of the commotion

"Why is there is so much noises in my house?"

Abhimanyu's commanding voice silenced the room as he entered the dining hall.

Seating himself at the head of the table, his mere presence commanded silence from the gathered family members. Not a syllable dared to escape their lips in his presence

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