Unspoken Confessions

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As Riddhima stepped into her abode, she called out to her mother, Sheetal Malhotra, a formidable figure in the business world who had taken the reins of her husband's enterprises following his demise.

"Why the delay? School ends promptly at 4:00 pm,"

her mother inquired upon Riddhima's tardy arrival

"It was a study session with Abhi; he was tutoring me for tomorrow's test,"

Riddhima explained.

"By the way, why are you back from the office so early? And where is my sister?"

she inquired further.

"The evening meeting was canceled, and as for Janvi, she's finally gone for her wedding shopping,"

her mother disclosed.

With Janvi set to marry her beloved this month, despite her mother's initial hopes for a different match,

Riddhima anticipated the forthcoming festivities with glee.

"Wow it's going to be a fun wedding "

Riddhima giggled


Meanwhile, at the Shekhawat mansion, Abhi inquired of his father about their upcoming plans.

"We're headed to your grandmother's residence,"

his father, Raghav Singh Shekhawat, replied.

Despite his reputable business status, rumors suggested Raghav's involvement in mafia dealings in Italy, with aspirations for his son to inherit his clandestine empire.

"I'd rather not go. Can't you go with Mom?"

Abhi protested.

"You must accompany us for the event; that's final,"

his father decreed, leaving Abhi disgruntled

Abhi huffed in annoyence


During lunch break at school, tensions flared between Abhi, Riddhima, and their friend Veer. Veer's inappropriate remarks led to a confrontation

He was looking at the senior girls of the college

"They are so hot"

Veer said loudly

"Cease your nonsense, Riddhima is present,"

Abhi retorted sharply.

"She's fully aware; she just puts on a facade of timidity,"

Veer remarked, prodding her forehead with his index finger.

Riddhima felt increasingly irked by his behavior.

"Quit touching her needlessly; this is your final warning,"

Abhi declared, his voice tinged with anger.

"What will you do? I'm curious to find out; perhaps we should have a little skirmish,"

Veer responded, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

Abhi shot Veer a piercing glare as tensions rose.

"Enough with the bickering; let's discuss something else,"

Riddhima interjected, addressing both of them.

"What else would you suggest, sweetheart?"

Veer inquired playfully.

Abhi felt little jealousy inside after hearing the nickname

"Why is he calling her 'sweetheart'?"

Abhi wondered silently.

"Stop addressing me like that,"

Riddhima snapped.

"That's my girl,"

Abhi muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"

Veer asked Abhi.

"Never mind; I'm leaving for class,"

Abhi replied curtly, departing from the cafeteria.

"At times, he behaves as if his mind is elsewhere. Anyway, goodbye, sweetheart. I'll see you tomorrow,"

Veer said, sauntering away.


Riddhima exclaimed, her frustration boiling over.


During her studies, Riddhima extended an invitation to Abhi to attend her sister's wedding, eagerly anticipating his presence.

However, her excitement turned to disappointment upon learning of his upcoming brief vacation

Riddhima hesitated momentarily before summoning the courage to address Abhi. "Abhi, there's something I've been meaning to ask you,"

she began.

Abhi, sensing the gravity of her inquiry, encouraged her to continue. "Please, go ahead,"

he replied calmly.

With a furrowed brow, Riddhima voiced her concerns. "I can't understand why they're rushing into marriage. Nowadays, people can live together without getting married. I just don't want my sister to leave me."

Abhi's heart sank as he absorbed her words, empathizing with her inner turmoil.

"They've chosen to marry because they're deeply in love and wish to build a life together," he explained gently.

"Your sister is elated about her future with him. Don't you long to witness her joy?"

He hoped his words would offer solace to Riddhima, understanding the complexities of familial bonds and the desire for loved ones' happiness.

"Oh, it's not like that. I was simply feeling down. So, are you suggesting that if a woman finds happiness with someone, she could spend her entire life with that person through marriage?"

Riddhima asked innocently

Abhi nodded. "Yes."

"In that case, I want to marry you someday because I've never felt happier with anyone else,"

Riddhima blurted out without much consideration.

Abhi was taken aback by her words, unsure of how to respond, upon Riddhima's impulsive declaration of wanting to marry him in the future, Abhi found himself at a loss for words, evading a direct response.

"Come on, Abhi, will you consider marrying me in the future?"

Riddhima pressed, her eagerness evident.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, Riddhima. Right now, focus on your studies,"

Abhi deflected, avoiding her gaze.

"She's out of her mind,"

Abhi thought silently to himself

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