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For me yesterday was one of my best birthdays. It felt like I was living how I imagined this day to be for the past 13 years.

Meeting Ava again, gave a new definition to my life, a reason to live. When we were separated, I was so out of sorts. My life had no purpose. I dived into the books to divert my mind, then I started King's. I named it King's because I don't want to have inklings with Mr Knight, his family or even his name. He is just a birthgiver to me. No wait that should be Camila, he is just a sperm donor.

Anyways, I don't want to ruin my day, thinking about someone insignificant to me. Today is Sunday and we have to go to a charity event. So I woke Ava up and we had breakfast together.

After like 2 hours, we left for shopping. I took Ava to a high-end store. She was adamant about going somewhere cheap so I had to drag her to this store and now my angel is sulking.

"Princess, sit here and listen to me for once." I made her sit on the sofa and sat on my knees in front of her and held her hands.

"Angel, I know you hate spending money on things you think are useless but love, you know I can buy this entire mall without causing even a dent in my pocket. I have no one apart from you, who I spend this money on? Princess you remember, years back, I loved to buy cute dresses for you and you would model them for me, and then I would do your hair. Let me pamper you again, my doll."

As I finished speaking, she had tears in her eyes. I wiped them and she hugged me tightly.

Then I called the shop assistant and asked her to help Ava in selecting the perfect dress.

It's been more than an hour and nothing was catching Ava's eyes until it landed on the powder blue gown. I know she liked it so I asked the salesgirl to get it.

"Ava go and try it on," I told her

"No Ed it's not that good," I said reluctantly.

"Ava I insist, try it on at least." I forced her.


"Go." She went to the changing room and came back after 15 minutes.

Her bright eyes told me that she loved what she was wearing.

"So do you like it, twirl for me, angel?" She twirled twice. Ahha, she hasn't changed one bit in 13 years. When she likes the dress, she always twirls twice and when she doesn't, it is one slow twirl with no enthusiasm.

"It looks good, let's buy it."

"But Ed, don't you think it's too revealing, I don't want unnecessary attention on me."

"Ava are you comfortable in it and do you like it."

"Yes I love it bu-"

"That's what matters Ava, wear whatever you want, you have me now, I'll handle everyone that makes my sister uncomfortable."

"I love you, Ed." She said hugging me tightly.

"Love you too princess, now go and change, we have to shop for shoes and accessories as well."

After the long tiring shopping spree, we got back home after having a late lunch at a fast food joint.

It was 4 p.m. so I woke Ava up and asked her to start getting ready, we had to leave at 6.

After half an hour there was a knock on my door, Ava was standing there holding a comb and pins. Looking just like my 6-year-old angel, I asked her to come in and she sat on a chair in front of the mirror.

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