Jealousy At It's Finest

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"Fuck your mouth is getting better. Not great, but better."

Zander said to me as he pulls up his sweats and walks into our shared bathroom. I just woke him up with a blow job, and he had the nerve to say Megan's name as he came in my mouth.

I'm not going to lie, my feelings were hurt a little bit. I'm so tired of every man always choosing her over me, I have been jealous of Megan since she came on the scene, and wished I could be like her in every way. I wanted to do things she did, hoping to be noticed, even going as far as too dress, and alter my body just like her's.

Megan never said or did anything to make me feel insecure, I just was and am intimidated by her beauty and personality. It can be hard being her friend at time, and I thought that I was a really great friend to her, and always had her back.

I wasn't trying to hurt her when I talked to my mom about letting her go, it was just what was best for business. I didn't expect Megan to cut me off, and cuss me out about the decision, I honestly feel that Megan is being selfish only thinking about herself and not the rest of us.

As far as Zander and me getting together. I don't understand Megan being upset about it, I thought she would be happy for me. I mean she doesn't even want to be in a relationship or have kids one day, so I really don't understand why she is so upset. Maybe I have her all wrong maybe she is jealous of me, and she probably is going to be seething with anger when she finds out that Zander and I are married now. I can't lie and say that it doesn't bring me some joy, to think about her mad that I'm getting my happily ever after and she is not, it's time for her to be jealous of me for once.


"Sir! If you don't get your slutty ass away from me. I'm going to knock the sonic coins outta you!"

I shout at Drago, as he tries to touch and rub on me. My face hurts from fighting him earlier, he drugged me again, and put me on a private jet. I have no idea where we are going, but I know I'm running out of time, when I tried fighting him I ended up with a black eye for my efforts.

He tried to tell me it was my fault for not listening to him, and I told him, he could go all the way to hell, and stay there! The fact that he tried to blame me for him putting his hands on me is just absolutely fucking ridiculous.

Everything about him now makes my skin crawl. I find myself disgusted that I ever was attracted to him in anyway, I just keep beating myself, because I should've known something wasn't right.

When I got those flowers from him, I just thought ok he is trying to shoot his shot. Not that he would drug my friend, and kidnap me, I should've known better.

"Megan! How am I a slut?" 

Drago's crazy self asked me, and I roll my eyes and respond with "all men that wear sweatpants, and basketball shorts are sluts! Especially if they wear grey and black sweatpants. But you're different, you are a batshit crazy slut!"

I laugh in his face and I feel a pain radiate through my jaw. I spit blood in his face and massage my now swollen jaw in my hand. This stupid mother fucker really punched me in my shit!

"Watch how the fuck you talk to me Megan. I will break you by force, and not feel bad about it!"

He screams in my face and I wince as he tightens his grip on my jaw.


"Yea. I just got off the phone with the terminal chief. Megan was spotted with him, and she looked unconscious. He is taking her to some small remote island of the ivory coast"

I breathed out and ran my hand down my face as I spoke to Jameson on speaker. I started to go over everything from the night Megan was taken, and I remembered her telling me about how Drago sent her those flowers, and how he showed up at her house. There was no doubt in my mind that Drago took her, and I made some calls to some folks and was able to get everything I could on him and what I found out was quite disturbing.

I called Jameson too, and informed him of what I found and was able to track him down to the private air terminal, but he had already boarded the jet with an unconscious Megan. I was able to bribe the terminal chief into giving me the details of were the jet was set to land, and informed Jameson as well.

"Ok thanks Diana. I owe you one!"

Jameson said and hung up. I'm debating moving my surgeries for the next two weeks and boarding my own jet to follow Jameson, but I have to tie up some loose ends on my end before joining him.

Drago wasn't able to do this on his own. I know he had help, and if I'm correct. I'm going to knock the sonic coins out of Lexis. I have already gotten away with murder once, it's nothing for me to get away with it again.


Diana has been a Godsend, and true friend. She has not rest since Megan went missing, and has done everything in her power to help find my baby. The information she just sent me though has my blood running cold, if these things are true, then not only will Lexis have to answer to me, but Linda will as well, and they are not going to like it.

I don't have time to deal with them right now though. All I can think about is getting to my baby, and getting to her fast, before she becomes another one of Dargos victims.

Well! It looks like folks fin to get the sonic coins knocked out of them!

What do you think Diana found on Lexis and Dargo?

And what does Linda have to do with this?

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