CHAPTER 14: The Clue

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Celestia POV

It was dark everywhere. This wasn't a dream or a nightmare, like the ones I had since I came down to Earth. It was nothingness. No sights, sounds, smells. Just darkness. Do Nephilims don't go to Heaven once they die? Instead, we come here into this blank dark space. I don't know how long I spent there, there was nothing to indicate time. I didn't get tired or sleep, no matter how much time I waited for something to happen. I didn't have a voice too, when I tried screaming nothing came out. I really should have looked where I was running to. 

Another new feeling overtook me - regret. I had never regretted anything in my life, but now I really wish I hadn't run into the busy street. I wasn't used to it because there were no dangers like that in Heaven. I was naive and I paid the price for it. I would probably never get to see my father again, or my brothers. It might seem silly, but I miss Weston's jokes and Asher's reassuring and supportive smiles. I even missed Mateo's detached but strong affection, which he thought he hid pretty well from me. I guess my intuition is greater than normal humans because their emotions and intentions were like reading an open book with highlights.

My Dad, James King. I felt safe with him. Like I was back in Heaven and nothing bad could get to me. He loved me and was anxious to prove it to me, but he didn't need to. I felt it already because of my enhanced intuition. Or was it normal for humans to be this perceptive of the people around them? I don't know.

Suddenly, I started hearing ringing. A constant noise that wouldn't stop. I looked around but I was still alone in the dark. Closing my eyes I focused on the ringing and realised it was getting louder. It got so loud that my ears started to hurt. I felt hands on my face and suddenly my eyes hurt from the light around me. Whoever was holding my face in their hands wasn't trying to hurt me. It didn't feel like a violation, on the contrary, it felt like home. 

"Celestia! Darling focus, we don't have much time!" That voice sounded familiar. The same voice I would hear when chasing butterflies when I was little. The same voice that reprimanded me when all my uncles couldn't. The voice sounded like home, peace, and love. My mother's voice! I finally opened my eyes and saw the woman I love more than anything, my warrior, my hero, my mother. I didn't have any time to speak before she smiled and rushed out the words "Find me while the light is still hiding behind the world just gracing us with your presence. Explore the garden that once made you wonder why we had to live separately from the humans."

I didn't understand, but there was no time to ponder her words because once she let go of my face everything returned to the blackness. Was this some kind of vision? Did I imagine my mom? I remember which garden she meant. She took me there without my uncles or aunts chaperoning us for the first time when I was little. Where did she say it was?

I didn't have time to think before I smelled something. It was new and I had never encountered it before. Soon I was able to hear consistent beeps. The blackness surrounding me started to fade and I felt I was lying in a bed. My eyes opened on their own and I saw I was in a dimly lit room. Someone was holding my hand, so I looked down and saw my big brother Mateo. He was sleeping on the chair next to the bed. That doesn't look comfortable at all. I looked around and saw Asher on the opposite chair with his hands crossed in front of him. 

My brothers were sleeping. Did I survive then? I didn't die. I felt pure relief. Trying to move your hands after God knows how long you've been unconscious sucks, but I finally managed to make them follow my commands. I took Mateo's hand and squeezed. He was here! They both were. Where were Weston and my Dad or Isabella?

Not long after that, my brothers woke up and things started happening very fast. Strangers came into the room wearing white coats over their clothes or blue scrubs. They started poking and prodding me doing something I didn't understand. The most infuriating one was stabbing me with needles and taking my blood. When they finally left Dad came inside the room and Isabella stood near the door. "Sweetheart! I was so worried. I'm so glad you're okay Aurora!" I felt really bad. I didn't mean to do it. My voice was hoarse, but I managed to croak out "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose."

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