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Ava is such a hardworking and responsible girl. I thought I was helping her by making her my assistant but instead, she lessened my workload. Everything was so organised in her hands. Everyone calls me a detail-oriented man but she is a perfectionist herself. I have noticed that in her work and I am so proud of her. Working with her feels so like home. We are a solid team together. If she had been with me all this time, this company would have now reached to a different level. She is my lucky charm.

Today when she told me that she is soon starting her exams I was baffled. If I had known it before, I would have at least given her a week off to prepare. That girl is an achiever. How she manages to work along with her studies amazes me.

The pen I gave her is quite special to me. I signed my first contract with it and many others thereafter. It has been with me forever. But now that I got my angel back, I don't need any other superstitious piece of luck.

I got a bit emotional, though I hid it well but I wanted to run towards her and tightly hug her. Take away all her problems and stress and shower her with all the happiness in the world. But I don't know how to tell her that Ava I am your Eddy. I don't know how will she even react. Does she even remember me?


It's been four days since Ava has taken her leave for her exam. My office feels lonely without her. This place which was once my sanctuary, now feels incomplete without my sister. She adds life, cheer and charm to everything. I already called her twice in these four days. I asked her about some files that I couldn't find though she had arranged everything in order. Then I swayed the conversation and asked about her exams and her well-being.

I know I can't continue like this, I'll have to come clean to her sooner rather than later. I am just waiting for the right time. I can't just go in front of her and say 'Hi Ava, I am Ed your brother, whom you left 13 years ago. Nice to meet you.' She would pass out. I have to carefully handle this situation as it involves my baby sister. I can't just dump everything on her like that.

I was lost in my thoughts when my phone rang. Strange, why was Mark calling me? He is the bodyguard in a semblance of the driver that I have assigned for Ava. I quickly answered his call, worrying that something wrong happened to my angel.

"Yes, Mark."

"Boss two strange men cornered Miss Knight while she was leaving for her exam. They were demanding some money as I made out from overhearing their conversation. I tried not to interfere but they were getting rough, so I asked Miss Knight to leave in a cab so she wouldn't be late for her exam while I handled them. She hesitated at first but later she obliged. James covertly followed her to her college."

"Where are those men?" I asked him.

"Tied and gaged in the car trunk."

"Good job, bring them to the old warehouse, I'll be there," I told him. I am not a part of any organised crime clan. To your disappointment, I am no Mafia boss, just an ordinary businessman. I won't deny that I do have connections and networks strong enough to get any work done. Being a businessman, I am friends with both the police as well as the mobs.

Additionally, the warehouse is indeed an old warehouse that was shut down a few years back and not a place where I torture people habitually.

Anyway, I won't spare those men who even thought about hurting my angel. I left the office and rode my car to the warehouse.

Soon Mark got here and brought the men with him. Looking at the painting on their face, I would say they received their warm welcome from Mark already. I also rained punches on them before talking.

"Who are you and what do you want from Avaline?" I shouted at him and asked.

"Don't beat us we were just doing our job. Miss Avaline must have taken a loan from our boss, so we were there to collect the dues." He wept.

"Who is your boss?"

"Charles David."

"Call him here, then only I'll let you go," I said coldly. They shivered and called someone with his shaking fingers.

After 30 minutes, their boss, Charles was standing at my door. I think I have seen him before somewhere, never mind let me deal with him first.

"Tch tch, you guys were supposed to be the goons. Look at the makeup King did to your faces. Fu***ng Barbies." Charles shouted at the two men. I signalled Mark to untie them and let them go. They were of no use to me now.

"King, what a pleasure to meet you. Did my stupid men trouble you?" He asked.

"How do you know Avaline?" I got straight to the point

"Avaline, oh is that the sweet girl you are talking about?"

I said with my gritted teeth, " How the hell do you know her." I haven't punched him yet because I wanted to get the answers first.

"Control you domineering man, don't murder me yet. I met that innocent girl once after her mother's death. Her mother took a loan from me and Miss Avaline was the guarantor. Though the little miss seemed unaware of her mother's doings. My men went there to collect the interest amount."

"I'll clear her debt in full. I don't want you or your men to even look in her direction ever again. Understood."

"Ohh King, that's a small amount, I don't need your money, though I would appreciate your support in the deal with your company which you rejected a few months back."

Know I know where I met him.

"I don't keep favours. And I don't reconsider rejected deals. Take this cheque and thank your stars that I am letting you go in one piece." Mark handed him the cheque.

"No bad blood King, I'll be back with a better deal next time. Ciao." Finally, that annoying man left.

Mom was dead.
Oh my God! I don't care about her but my Ava was all alone in this world. What all has she went through in these years? I promise to protect her and be with her always from now on.

My annoying dad came to my office to invite me to his place which I subtlt declined. I didn't went to his home after the day I sent the waiver papers.

Thank God Ava is not here. I don't want them to meet yet. After Me Knight left, I called the guards and banned his entry in my company. I don't need toxic people around me or Ava.

🌿🌸Author's Time🌸🌿

QOTD: When is your birthday?

Mine is Today (4 April)

This update is my gift to you...

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