3. Photo

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+Melantha Collins+

Myla hit my arm.

"Omg it's Tod des Lebens!" She squealed.

I know.

She's lucky I love her.

"I wanna take a picture with them! Come on." She drug me to their booth.

They all spoke and shared drinks.

I was fine.

Absolutely and utterly fine.

Myla smiled.

"Honey you have lipstick on your teeth." I whispered and her tongue moved over them.


She smiled and I wiped the red off.

We got there and she handed me her phone.

"I'm sorry, do you mind if I take a photo with you guys? We love your music so much." She was so polite.

I wondered if that's how other girls spoke to them.

Starting off polite before getting handsy.

I gritted my teeth together, finding myself sweating profusely.

Zayan was eyeing me.

"Of course." He nodded and two moved to the left, two to the right, she sat in the middle, her hand on his thigh and I found myself feeling undeniably infuriated.

I took the photo, none of them smiled, they never did.

I loved it.

I fucking loved it.

"Do you want a photo?" She asked me.

"Of course she does, come." Walden patted the space where she previously sat.

But this was different.

It felt like a test.

"Scared?" Zayan raised an eyebrow, his voice a foreign gravel that sounded so much better in real life.

"No." I walked up and handed her phone back, giving her mine.

I sat, Zayan grabbing my hand and placing it on his thigh as hers had been, his hand on my back and I immediately sat up straighter.

"I got a normal one but you should have a black and white photo with your makeup smudged." Myla smiled excited.

I frowned, my patience at a brink.

This was insane. Not just that but now people were starting to understand these people were... famous.

When my time here is up it's free rein.

I didn't want that.

"Schau mich an." Zayan muttered.
Look at me.

I did.

"You understood?" He murmured as he licked the pad of his thumb, dragging my lipstick down and my heart was palpating.

How many women has he done this to?

Did I miss anyone?

Anger. Angry. I was so irritated.


"You speak German?"

"No. I understand some words. From your songs."

Keep it sparse.

He did the same to my eyes, his hands then in my hair, making it messy.

"Mmm." He just hummed like a low growl from his chest.

I imagined our first meeting calming me down.

But instead I wanted to hurt him. For what he's made me do. Those poor girls all dead because he couldn't keep his mouth off them.

We looked at the camera and I licked my lips where his thumb was.

I sat back more and was glad I wasn't forced to smile.

"Look." She showed us.

It was honestly so good. She already changed it to black and white and his black eyes and hair were so vibrant.

I loved his hair.

Long, till the middle of his back, so black it was nearly blue. It was so shiny and perfect.

"You should send it to me. It's really good." He said and grabbed my phone, putting his number into it as he sent it to himself.

He handed my phone to me.

"Good to meet you...."

"Melantha." I nodded and he offered a hand.

I took it.

I gasped as he licked the back of my hand. I'd only seen that in interviews. Holy shit.

But I kept my cool.

"Have a good night ladies." Walden nodded.

We walked away and Myla looked at me.

"They're so hot." She gushed.

I nodded.

She's always been an Armen girl. A sucker for the drummer.

Thank fuck.

I took a shot, shaking my head of whatever the fuck that interaction was.

Although I already know I'm gonna have a fun night with my vibrator.

I looked back and he was still looking over here, his black eyes sucking the life out of mine.

Never have I seen that man even smirk a bit.

But I have a feeling he'd never actually hurt a soul.

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