Capturing Oured

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<<Prepare Monika,we will begin our rescue mission in ten minutes>>

Under the deep cold surface of the sea,a single American submarine slowly approaches the Osean capital


"Mr.President,not that way"


Under the maze-like complex under Bright Hill,Ander,accompanied by more than twenty bodyguards and elite National Guard,is finding his way to escape Bright Hill,and the rebel force.

"This is not good,they have more firepower.I supposed we have to withdraw from the city.Prepare the Air Force 1"

"Sir,Air Force 1 isn't available,the rebel has captured Oured International Airport.It's no use going there risking taking off by that aircraft.Come,we have another choice"

The captain of the team lead them down a steel hall,where he just simply push a door open.Deep down here,almost twenty meters into the ground,Ander could still hear the sound of heavy artillery bombarding the city from somewhere,if not very close.The longer he stay in the city,the more likely that he would be killed.Maybe escaping isn't a good way to increase his reputation,but that would ensure that he would still alive to strike back.

"Follow me"

Ander walks into the hall,no one is here.In fact,there are barely any sign of life down here,the wall is rusty and water leaked from the ceiling.This must be one of the secret escape routes that he wasn't informed,in case of all important assets had been destroyed or unavailable.But because of that,Ander has no idea where the captain is leading him to.

If this man belong to the rebel force,it would be over for him

While he's still thinking about it,the captain among the group has stopped in front of another door.

"Mr.President,have you ever heard about Elite Force 1?"

Suddenly,the captain asked him

"Huh?Elite Force 1?"-Ander replied-"Harling tell me once about it,but there is no information about it,I though it's just a story"

"It does exist,but only I,General Johnson and Grunder Industries know about its existence,to keep the secret from potential threat.Unless our enemy are them,we should escape Oured without problem"

The guard swipe his card into a device on the wall.The heavy metal door opened,revealing a large dark bunker with an aircraft inside.A white aircraft,with flying wing design and with two out of three thrusters that look like those on the Raptor,as Ander could tell from the flashlight' light,a bigger B-2 with white paint.

"Nathan,you stay here with your team,try to hold the defense line as long as possible.They rest follow me"

"Yes sir"

After giving order to his men,the captain and Ander,along with the team under his command rushed to the aircraft and remove the surrounding chain binding the plane to the ground.Suddenly,a blast shaken the entire sector:


"Hurry up!They are entering Bright Hill"

One man flips a switch in the corner,turning on light surrounding Elite Force 1 and along the runway trail.Meanwhile,the captain has made his way into the cockpit of the plane and started the electronics:

"Still good.Mr.President,we have to go soon.Right after all the chains has been taken off,we will try to start the engines and take off.The hydrogen fuel cell should give us enough energy to fly to Bana City"

"Is it safe?"

"As far as I know,come up here"

Seeing the captain ceiling for him,Ander still hesitated:

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