Unknown fear

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As the hands closed around my throat, an instinct for survival surged within me. Panic fueled my fight-or-flight response, and in that harrowing moment, flight was not an option. My fingers clawed desperately at the vice-like grip, fighting for precious air.

Summoning a surge of strength, I shifted my weight, attempting to destabilize my assailant as my oxygen supply began to run short.


In a burst of desperation, I brought my knee sharply upward, aiming for the vulnerable area between his legs.

"AH!!!" The intended strike found its mark, and his grip momentarily loosened as a pained groan escaped him.

Seizing the opportunity I tried to stand up but noticed the other hands reaching for me, I pivoted and drove my elbow forcefully into the midsection of the person trying to choke me from the side. The brief reprieve allowed me to break free from their grasp, stumbling backward to create some distance. The room spun as I fought to regain my bearings, my breaths coming in ragged gasps and I could sense the burn around my neck.

Despite the pain radiating through my body, a surge of adrenaline fueled my determination. In a defiant act of self-preservation, I scanned the room for any object that could serve as a makeshift weapon. My eyes settled on a heavy ashtray nearby, and without hesitation, I snatched it up, wielding it as a deterrent as the burly goons came after me.

"STAY BACK!" My voice came out very high pitched.

The assailant, momentarily taken aback, eyed the impromptu weapon warily. It became a tense standoff, the ashtray serving as a symbol of my determination to protect myself, "Stay away from me," I glared at them, "Don't try to come close or else,"

"Or else what!" The man I elbowed step forward, his face full of rage

"Back off!" My voice trembled but it was also resolute

The tension hung in the air, the silence broken only by the distant throb of music from the club outside. In that precarious moment, I stood my ground, ashtray in hand, and then I slowly backed away.

My heart was pounding loudly in my chest as I made a slow escape backwards. Still clutching the glass ashtray defensively, an involuntary gasp escaped me as my back collided with an unexpected presence.

OH!!?? My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach as a sense of immediate dread took over.

Startled, I shot my body around to face the intruder, raising the ashtray in the air to crash it against the head of whoever was behind me but in return my eyes widening in disbelief.

My action was swiftly stopped when the newcomer held my wrist tightly in mid-air and he stared at me with a disappointed expression.

There, standing before me, was my boss, owner, or whatever, Azef, his enigmatic gaze fixed upon the chaotic scene unfolding. The room charged with menace, fell into an eerie silence as the weight of his presence settled upon us.

Azef wasn't bothered by what he saw at all, "What seems to be the issue here?" His voice was calm but his tone wasn't

Oh no...

My attempts to compose myself were futile, my hands began to tremble. The assailant, caught between the threat of the makeshift weapon and the disapproving scrutiny of Azef, took a hesitant step back. That's when his gaze dropped onto me again.

"I warned you, didn't I?" His gray eyes peered into mine, "I told you to behave,"

" He... He tried to..." I tried to speak as I looked back, exposing my neck, "I didn't start it." I looked back at him and saw his eyes lingering on my neck. It made me self conscious. I guess they left some sort of bruise of injury there.

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