Chapter 1: The pain and gain

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I wake up in a damp alley behind a clothing store wrapped in a few damp rags. I push back my long dirt caked white hair and push myself into a sitting position. ' I'm cold, I'm hungry, and my body hurts'. I shamble towards the mouth out the alley to see people fleeing away from a few burning and exploding buildings. Living on the street gives you some instinctual ques and this one wasn't subtle, "I have to run" escapes my mouth as I barely roll back away from a flying clump of rubble. I take off through the mesmerized alley's as fast as my 6 year old body can take me. I hear something slam into a wall behind me, but I don't look back. If I look back I can't escape ' just run, run run run' my mind screams at me filling me with the burst of energy needed to turn down a alley that led to a street far from the chaos. I can feel my small body taking a tole from the sudden and violent movements leaving me huffing for air as I near the end of the alley. Just as turn on to the street I see a flash of black fly by, just as the movement is registered my back explodes in pain. "Aaaaaagh!" I scream as I hit the ground. Just as my body hits the stone street a hand slammed into the back of my hand and ripped my upwards. My body is roughly jolted to face a pale face with slitted plum red eyes, the eyes stare angrily at my weakening body. ' I cant breath, I can't break free. I'll die' the fear gives my body a final burst of effort as my small hand flies towards the red eyes trying to blind the pale man. My fingers slam painfully into the face of the man who simply stood there. Faster than my eyes can register my arm is bent at a awful angle shooting a vicious blash of pain into my brain. The man finally opens his mouth to speak to the broken and surprisingly conscious child in his grasp. "This boy can be useful, street trash like you can be useful. The demon slayers will track you instead so I can get what I need here. That's if you survive my blood, if you do you'll be useful for this" says the pale man as he stabs his index finger into the boys forehead and removes it dropping the boys to the ground. My body flares in agony as I desperately hold onto my consciousness. After a few minutes of pain my mind begins to clear, but it's immediately replaced with a terrible hunger. I look at a puddle of my blood to see two gold slitted irises surrounded by black eyeballs, and blood red hair. My self inspection was interrupted by a man with a grey katana. I try to speak, only for a growl to escape my now fanged mouth. "Die you demon!" Shouts the man as he swings his blade towards my arm, cutting it off cleanly at the elbow. I feel a rush of aggression at the close proximity of the man and leap towards his open right side and tear out his throat as I pass. A euphoria shoots through my body from the human flesh in my mouth. I swallow the delicacy and turn around to see the man dying on the ground, I rush towards him and begin devouring him alive ' I feel so full, I used to be so hungry and weak. I'm soooo happy!' I think with a near crazed fanged smile while biting into the remaining bones leaving a bloody smear where a human once was. I feel an intimidating instinct flood my body as a few rays of light bleed into the messy alley and I flee into a nearby forest.
Mc pov
I rush past the trees trying to escape whatever it is that's so dangerous, eventually I find a large tree with a small tunnel leading under the tree bug enough for my tiny frame. I crawl into the small opening and into a surprisingly bright space with no sign of a light source. I drop to my butt and look at my hands. "what happened to me, who am I and what am I. I'm not human, I can't be" I say, surprised that I even had the ability. "I don't know who I am but I'm alive, I feel so strong and so alive now. I was so happy when I was fighting and when I was eating human flesh and bone, I've never felt so full and happy" I said to myself with childish glee.
The next day as the sun sets
"I need to eat, and I wanna leave the town so whoever was chasing that man that did this to me doesn't catch me". I dash into the city and come across one of those women that sell their bodies. I stick to the roofs until she turns into an alleyway and drop down onto her back pinning her to the ground with my deceptively strong body, without giving her a second to scream I bite down in the back of her neck and yank my head back pulling out a few bones killing her instantly and began eating her. " Is it just me or do I feel slightly stronger when I eat something, maybe I'll get stronger if I keep eating" I say around the last chunks of meat and bone. I continue eating people throughout the night killing 23 people and rushed back into the forest and under the large tree with a few trinkets and the sword that was left in the alley of my first kill. "I wonder if I can eat this anything or is it just humans" I said to myself as I bit through the back of the blade and crushed it in my mouth until it was like a powder and forced it down. I feel a burning under my skin and a hoop with blades forces its way through my skin painfully but somehow without drawing blood. I pick up the bladed bone hoop and feel a connection to it, on instinct I put it behind my head and release it to let it hang behind my head like a halo. The single blade on the hoop pointed towards the sky and I felt as if my blood pumped faster and my body felt lighter and tougher. I look at some of the jewelry that I stole from the dead bodies and find a gold bangle and shove it into my mouth along with the guard from the katana and feel the burning under my skin and feel a few diamond shaped golden scales appear on my skin and around my eyes. Even with these things added to my body I should definitely get some new clothes so that I blend in with humans and a cloak so I can move during the day. I figured that it's the sun that's fatal for me. So I wait till night and rush into the city and break into a clothing store and kill the owner and take a black pair of baggy pants and a black haori, along with two cloaks that I put together to make it thicker. I put on all the clothes and wrap the cloak around my waist. "I wonder if there are any other people like me, maybe I can't find someone and find out what exactly I am now". I kick off the store's back door and accidentally kill a woman and injure the man next to him. "Shit, I didn't mean to do that. I just wanted to leave through the ba-". My mind goes completely blank as a maddeningly delicious smell wafts past my nose, my head snaps towards the injured man and I launch myself at him and rip his chest open with my sharp nails. A few minutes later I felt my mind clearing and saw that I had left a bloody mess across the entire alleyway. I check to see if anyone had seen me and rush to the roofs and out of the city. I am about to enter the treeline until I feel something getting close to my neck, in a split second I shoot up my small arm to block a slash. My attacker was a girl much older than me, she looked at my small body taking in everything about me. I turn to face her and walk backwards towards the forest. She seems to realize I'm trying to get away and inhales just before jumping at me at high speeds, I try to smack the sword away but the blade still cuts off both of my arms, in a panic I kick out my legs into her stomach and jump away rolling on the ground. I see my arms healing slowly as she rushes at me again aiming for my head, I get scared that she'd kill me at this rate but just as she was a few feet away she slows down significantly and I feel my eyes sharpen. I wait till her blade is at its peak and as she slashes down on my neck I twist my body and rake my foot across her stomach as the blade slams into my mouth getting caught in my teeth. I watch as she screams in pain and releases her blade to grip her stomach and claw at her spilling insides. It takes a few minutes for the girl to bleed out as I await for my arms to heal. I crawl towards her head and position her eyes to meet mine. "May you tell me what I am, and why you tried to hurt me?" I ask the older dying girl. She coughs up some blood and grimaces before speaking. " You are a demon, you hurt innocent people and break apart families, you shouldn't exist because you only bring pain" she says quietly while tears stream onto the ground beneath her. I roll her onto her back and place her hands on her stomach as she watches quietly. " Am full already and you did something for me so I'll leave you here, I'm leaving this place to try and find the demon that gave me this power" I tell the nearly dead girl as I sit on the grass next to her. The girl takes her last breaths as I sit next to her looking up at the wonderful moon. "I'm a demon now, well I'm not weak and hungry anymore so I'm happy. Maybe I should thank that demon man for giving me this power" I say to myself while entering the forest with the girls katana in my teeth and a bag of money from my time in the city.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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