Chapter 1

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'where am I? It's warm and kinda wet" I think to myself. 'what's that muffled noise, talking?' Right after that thought it was suddenly really bright. "It's a girl Maki-san" 'oh...... I was just born.... So I was just in, alright'. Well that's fine I guess I get to live again. "She has the white hair that's so famous in the clan, I'm sure she'll become a great warrior". 'Clan? Don't tell me.' "She'll become a great weapon for the kaguya clan". 'Fuck I'm a girl now, I'm in Naruto though so maybe that equals out! I've always wanted to fight like those Shinobi'. "What will you name her?" Says the same woman. Then a more aggressive female voice speaks, "Her name will be Kamiki kaguya" 'so that's my new name huh, Kamiki'. I started to wiggle around aggressively to show just how strong I was to my mother. My body felt stronger than it should. I felt like a billion zeni. "What an active brat, to think I just gave birth to you" says my aggressive mother. She picks me up and puts me up to her breast expecting me to suckle. 'Well shit, anything to get stronger I guess". I open my mouth once I feel the nipple. As I open my mouth I realize that I feel a few teeth in my mouth, all of them were ridiculously sharp as well. 'if I bite down too hard she'll probably throw me'. 'I guess I'll just brush them against her to let her know I shouldn't breast feed'. As the woman feels something sharp on her chest the sticks her finger in her child's mouth to see 4 teeth already growing. She lets out a surprised noise after seeing her child's teeth. "Hey look at her mouth, she's got four teeth growing in already" my mother takes me outside the tent to show me off to the women of the clan and they all look at me like they wanna eat me or something. Another woman with a child that has similar features to me comes up to my mother. "I can't believe the clan has two new weapons. I'm sure they're offspring will make us far more powerful." My mother laughs insanely and agrees. ' sense I got all this time to grow I should take advantage of this time and make as many hundred-seals as I can. And if I'm understanding this correctly I am somehow naturally harnessing the chakra in the air which is most likely nature chakra, if I can store some nature chakra maybe it'll come in handy later on. There's no doubt that me and the other kid who has to be kimimaru will end up in that cage he is kept in in the original story'. My mother opens my mouth and brags about how I put up a fight a few minutes after my birth and how strong I am along with my growing fang-like teeth.

5 years later

"Kamiki-san what are you doing back there?" Says kimimaru to me while I'm trying to fully master my control over the shikotsumyaku. "I'm training kimimaru, you don't know when we could go into battle. Especially with the clan trying to go to war with the Hidden Mist Village" I tell the smaller boy in bored voice, apparently I got stuck with what I like to call Haku syndrome. 'i both look and sound like I could be a girl or a boy, at least I can use this in a fight or just for a few laughs' I think sadly. For the past few years I've fully mastered nature energy and chakra control. I can move across any surface effectively now so there's not much else to do but wait for the clan to be wiped out. ' My chakra level without the seals has reached around the middle of the clan in terms of chakra density and amount and with the seals active I outclass them by a wide range. I stacked the hundred seals on top of each other and now it looks like I have a black and white diamond on my forehead'. 'With that much chakra I should never have issues with chakra exhaustion at this point in my life. I found out that I have the lightning and wind elements that are both really high. I have tried making the 3rd Raikages lighting armor but it's not even half as fast given I can't train with it'. There was a bang on the gate behind me and I look back to see a man from the kaguya clan open the door for me and kimimaru to get out of. "Why are we being let out" I ask even though I know what's about to happen. " Get ready for a battle, we'll be destroying the mist village" says the bloodthirsty man.
Next part will be coming out soon
(I don't like how off track I went with this one and it feels like I didn't try nearly enough in making this so I'll be leaving this and all uploaded chapters but I wont continue it for now)
Please go to my account and read my other stories, definitely some of my better work

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