chapter one.

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The street was quiet because no child was found, there was a new child in town and he needed a playmate - parents for some reason didn't allow their children come out to play on this day.

Mama Kofi was preparing melon soup then she realized she had ran out of salt.
"Kofi" she called, when Kofi arrived and discovered she wanted salt, he ranted.

" Mama no! Zika should get it, she is the girl!

"I know, but you should know girls ain't allowed outside today, she's your younger sister don't forget" mama Kofi handed him the notes.

Kofi frowned.

He went straight to zika's room, "let's go for a stroll"

"Why?" Zika asked

"Aren't you interested in getting the lipgloss you always wanted" Kofi asked

" Mum finally agreed?

"Mum never disagreed, she just didn't give a response because she had no money then" he could not look her in the eye .

She grabbed the money from his hand.

"But before that," he held her hand that had the money in it

She looked at him in a weird way.

"Go get salt for mom, it was on the condition that you start going on errands effectively that you get the lipgloss."

Zika stood, " so you convinced mum on my behalf, just so you could sit at home and give commands," she released her hands and ran out to get the salt.

Meanwhile, the new child is still waiting outside.

As zika walked down the street, she felt a sensation that something wasn't right, suddenly, a ball rolled towards her, she turned to see who threw the ball.

The boy smiled at her, she had never seen his face before, just then she remembered, it was a stay at home for all girl child and other delicate children.

With quickened foot steps, the boy began to come closer to her, she made her steps backwards then she stumbled on a stone.

"I don't bite", he said as he stopped her from falling, "where is everyone, I haven't seen a soul since I got here".

Zika pushed him and ran away to no place in particular, she just wanted to be far away from him but he ran after her.

"Zika, zika", mama Kofi called but their was no response, she went to zika's room but she wasn't there, she went to the living room, Kofi was present.

Surprised, she asked ",why are you still here?

" Zika offered to buy the salt", he responded.

"WHAT!" She exclaimed. "What did you just say?"

"Mama, since Dad is no more, I am the man of the house and you can't...

A slap landed on kofi's face before he could complete his statement.

"If anything happens to my precious daughter, you will dig your grave personally! "

Mama Kofi left her pot of soup on the burning stove in search of zika.


"My name is kwame, what yours?" The boy asked

"Zika", she answered
" Why is the street so lonely, I have been out here for the past one hour", kwame asked with the feeling that zika was already free with him, but instead she made an attempt to run away again.

"Help, everybody help me ooh!" Mama Kofi began to scream, soon the whole neighborhood came out, the street was lively again, "my daughter, zika, she stepped out" mama Kofi was so confused.

"Where do you think she is? " Mr bint asked, holding her shoulders, trying to take panic away from her

"Iiiiii needed salt to cook, she answered with a trembling voice

Mr bint ordered all the young hefty men to search stores, shops and supermarket, mama Kofi could only cry and shout.

Zika attempt to run away from kwame was successful, but unfortunately she arrived in a mansion that she never imagined she would ever be in her life time, and at this point kwame realizing that he had lost track of her began his own search.

While the search was going on, kwame made his way back to the street where he met zika, confused at how he returned back, mama Kofi looked at him so surprisingly, he was also shocked, he felt like as if her knew her from some where but couldn't place the face .


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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