CHAPTER 21: Love Like You

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I woke up with Ella sleeping soundly on her front, with my arm around her lower back.

Whatever it is that I feel for her right now is kind of scary. I don't know why I have this strong feeling for her.

I rub her back and move my hand to her shoulder. And give her a light rub there. Her skin is so soft. I kiss her shoulder. And move a few strands of hair off her face.

I love how real she is. She said what she thinks. She didn't even try to impress me, unlike those women from my past. And, it was impossible to feel more because they were superficial. There was nothing beyond their pretty faces.

Ella is different. She is more.

I know this is strange, considering we were two strangers who just happened to meet each other in a least expected way.

Definitely not in my conservative ways how I met women in my past. Normally I just hooked up with them from the bars during our night out or from all those parties or events I attended.

With Ella, there was nothing 'conservative'.

I love watching her sleep. She looks peaceful. Unlike when she was awake these past weeks. She seemed like she always had something on her mind. She had this blank look. But, at the same time she had this sad look. I want to undo that sadness for her.
Whatever it was.

I want to be the reason that makes her happy.

Right now, she is my Ella. Mine.

I kissed her forehead and she stirred in her sleep. She blinked a few times.

"Hey.." I give her a smile while still having my hand on her face.

She blinked a few times again and looked around the room.

Please don't regret what just happened.

I rest myself on my arm and kiss her lips. And, she looked away. "Hey, what's wrong?" I cup her face so that she looks at me.

"Nothing." She said.

One word. That's it? "It's not nothing. Tell me, please."

"What are we?" She asked. She couldn't even keep eye contact.

"Look at me."

And, she did.

"We are whatever you want us to be." No, that doesn't exactly sound right.

"I know this is too fast. But I really like you. Don't ask me why. I just do. You seemed like a really great girl. And, I want more. I hope you will give us a chance." I continued.

"I can't." She looks away. And tried to get up from under me.

"Why not?"

"I just can't."

What the hell does that even mean?

"Do you still love him?"

That got her to look straight at me. Then, she just lay down back in bed.

"All I know is I feel strongly for someone. I don't remember a lot of little details from my past. But, I feel a lot. I know that I loved him. And, I can feel him."

She looks defeated. I see her eyes start to get watery.

"I don't know if I still love him. But, I do know the old Ella does. This isn't fair for you. What if someday I remember it all and I can't undo what I had with him? What happened to us then?"

She still loves him.

No! I refuse to be defeated. I'll make her love me. She is mine now. I'll do whatever it takes. I'll wait. She will fall for me.

I'll show her that she loves me. That Damon guy was just her past. But now she loves me. She just doesn't know it yet.

"You are here. I'm here. This is us, now. There was a reason why he was your past. There was a reason why you are in New York. There was a reason why we met. Please, give us a chance." I never had to beg a woman. This is another first.

"I know you said you feel a lot. That you felt strongly for someone. But, please don't tell me you don't feel anything with us." I continued.

I look at her eyes. I needed to know that she feels something too. For me. But, she gave nothing away. I can't read her.

"Okay." Okay? Is that a yes? Did she just say okay? Or was it my inner voice playing with me.

"Okay." She repeats.

"Okay means that you'll give us a chance?"

She nods.

And, I kiss her hard. That was probably the best "okay" I have had in my life.

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