CHAPTER 3: At The Hospital

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Mike POV

I can't believe he stood me up!

I called his office and his PA said he hasn't returned from his lunch. I have been calling him but his phone was off. I figured he probably got stopped by one of his flings or something. So, I decided to leave him a text message to let him know I would meet him in his office tomorrow morning. And, I continue my work at the office.

I was so into my paperwork when my phone rang. I didn't even bother checking the caller before I picked it up.

"Hello, Mike. Is Max with you??"

I look at my phone again to see the unknown number. She sounds anscious. And, oddly familiar.

"Mike! It's Debbie. Is Max with you?" Oh. Max's mom.

What the hell?

"Oh hey, Debbie. No he is not, actually. We were supposed to have lunch together but that was like hours ago. But, he didn't turn up. What's going on?"

"I was on the phone with him earlier but it got cut off and it just didn't sound right. I tried to reach him again but his phone was off. He is not in his office. He is not even with Joe. And, I have a bad feeling.."

"Debbie, why don't I try to reach him for you and I'll call you back later. I'm sure it was nothing." I cut her off before she continue rambling anxiously.

Okay, What the fuck is going on? Max would never ignore his mom's phone calls. Where the fuck are you mate?

As soon as I said bye to Debbie, I dialed Sebastian's number and waited anxiously for it to be connected.


It was three in the morning when I felt something vibrating in my pants and woke me up. I lifted my head off the bed and my eyes focused on our still interlaced hands. This feels so right. And, for some reason I have a big smile on my face. I straightened my aching back and reached for my phone.

I have dozens of missed calls and texts from my mom, Joe and Mike. Shit. I completely forgot about the meeting with Mike! I even got a few texts from Dylan. Wow, that's rare. Dylan doesn't do texts. He normally just appears when he feels like it. And disappear for months and back again when he likes.

I'm okay. I'm at Mercy. It's a long story. Later. - I texted Mike, Joe and mom at the same time.

As soon as I sent the text I got a call from Joe, my brother.

"What the fuck is going on man? Mom is going crazy! What the hell happened?"

"There was an accident. It's a long story and I'm not in the mood to talk about it on the phone. I'll let you know tomorrow. And, how's mom?"

"Accident? How bad is it?" I can hear the worries in his voice. We have always been close since we were young.

"Only a few cuts here and there. But, she's quite bad" I really hope he doesn't ask me about her. It's still a little too much to take in.

"I'll let mom know. We'll see you tomorrow" We said our bye and I texted him the room we are in. I also texted my PA to bring me some change and some stuff I need from the office so I don't have to be bothered to go home to change or to go to the office.

You just have to be so fucking dramatic like usual. You better have some broken bones and all that for going MIA and making everyone worried. - Mike.

I can't help but smirk at his remarks.

Thanks for the love man. - I immediately texted him back.

I can imagine Mike was rolling his eyes as he read this. He has been one of my best mates other than Dylan, since we were in college. We are practically like brothers. We even started our businesses from nothing, together. We may not see each other that often these days, but I'd trust them with my life.


Hey all, its me again. Please don't be a silent reader and leave me a comment and vote or write something.. I see you xo


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