Chapter 1

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Thud! The sound of someone hitting the ground. The sound was followed by a loud groan.

Yu Yuan glanced at her new martial arts instructor, Fan Hai, who was now sprawled on the mat and walked past him towards the handrail that held towels.

Fan Hai stared at the retreating figure. His vision still contained a few stars from the throw he just received.

I'm the instructor, right? he thought to himself still in disbelief over what he just experienced.

Fan Hai was a well-known martial arts expert. He had started training when he was very little and coupled with his talent it was no surprise his name was placed in the top 50 of the list ranking martial arts experts in the country.

One had to know that there was no shortage of people vying for a position on this list. The competition was tough, and this served to show just how good Fan Hai was.
But all of these seemed useless when met with the fists of his new employer.

When he received the offer to serve as an instructor for a seemingly delicate miss, he was displeased and almost refused the offer.

An expert like him wasting his skills on a skittish lady? Unfortunately, martial arts experts had to eat too. Conditions trumped pride.

Turns out he was narrow-minded, and his job description needed to be rewritten.

Am I an instructor or a sparring part- no a punching bag! he howled in his mind.

Fan Hai really should be pitied regarding this matter. Yu Yuan once served in the military. While their combat requirements were high, Yu Yuan took it an extra mile.

After leaving the army, finding an adequate sparing partner was difficult. She could only make do. As a result, the unfortunate Fan Hai faced oppression from every direction.

Yu Yuan, after arriving at her destination, grabbed a towel as well as a bottle of water on the bench next to her. The exercise just now could only be described as barely taxing for her given the special training she had received, but it was better than nothing, at least until she found a more suitable partner.

Yu Yuan was a fairly beautiful lady. She possessed a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes which were highlighted by her well-defined eyebrows and thick lashes. Her nose was straight and angular. Beneath it laid a pair of full lips that seemed to carry a hint of red.

She was not as beautiful as famous female celebrities but her unique temperament made her stand out and made people unwilling to tear their eyes from her.

Yu Yuan was an only child. Her father, Yu Heng, was the youngest son of the Yu family. The Yu family was the most powerful in City B. While its influence didn't extend much to City A, it was well known among the upper circles of City A.

Due to internal conflict, he left the Yu family. He started his company from the scratch and succeeded in building one of the best companies in Country A. His wife, Feng Mian, was a professor at a well-known university in Country A.

Yu Yuan's background would've allowed her to live a leisure life without working, but she didn't want that.

When Yu Yuan clocked 17, she left home for abroad. She enrolled in Havard Business School where she studied business and graduated at the top of her class.

After finishing her education, Yu Yuan decided she wanted to experience something different and thrilling. So, Yu-restless-spirit-Yuan joined the army. Serving one's nation is truly a novel experience.

After serving for 4 years, she resigned and focused on business. Since she was too lazy to run a one, she became an investor, sourcing out potential businesses and investing in them from the shadows.

So far, no one has seen this mysterious investor. They only know that whichever business this investor chose to invest in was a gold mine raking in almost unbelievable profits. Hence, she received the nickname 'Midas Touch'.

After spending 9 years traveling back and forth, she decided it was time to finally settle in Country A.

Finally gathering enough strength to get up, Fan Hai walked towards her limping and panting. He grabbed another bottle of water as soon as he reached the bench. Twisting open the bottle he asked, "What kind of hellish training did you receive? You should be at least top 10 on the list of top martial artists in the country."

Yu Yuan smiled without answering. Though the list seemed credible, it didn't include the hidden dragons and crouching tigers of their time. She probably won't place top 100 if they were, but that was okay she didn't rely on her fists anyway but on her brains.

Walking towards the exit, she called out, "See you next session!"

Fan Hai looked at the door and sighed. Wondering to himself, he asked, Should I buy a box of painkillers?
Sigh! My future looks bleak.

Author's Notes

Interviewer: Fan Hai, why do you drive to the convenience store every time Yu Yuan calls?

Fan Hai: Sighs. You wouldn't understand

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