Ericson's - Past Acquaintances

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The initial rays of the morning sun are filtered through a boarded up window, casting a warm glow into the room. A gentle tickle brushes against your face, drawing you from slumber. You hear something silently buzzing around your face, before landing on your nose. Startled, you flick your head, prompting the pesky fly to buzz away, before slowly opening your eyes to survey your surroundings.

Y/N: Shit..

Exhausted, you survey the room as your body starts waking up. Two bunk beds are flanking each other, one of which you've slept on, while the lower bunk of the other one is occupied by the lifeless form of a young girl, that seems to have taken her life many years ago. The upper bunk of that bed isn't an option for sleeping anyway, as there's no upper mattress. There is a small drawer underneath the boarded up window, while a dirty circle-shaped carpet is decorating the floor. Next to your bed, there's an old desk and a shelf with some old books on top of it. In the corner of that side of the room is an empty closet. Lastly, there's a fan on the ceiling, that you low-key wish was still working. The walls and the ceiling are heavily weathered by moisture and mold and overall, the room is not in a good condition.

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A/N: As some might notice, this is actually the model of Clementine's room

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A/N: As some might notice, this is actually the model of Clementine's room. But assuming that all the dorms look pretty much the same, use this to imagine the dorm room.

Not that you can actually complain though. This is way better than sleeping on the ground.The night before, you gained entry to the school through the destroyed gymnasium. You neglected exploring the building for other occupants at the time, alive or undead, a decision that you now contemplate. Doing so seems prudent if you wish to maintain the luxury of a proper bed, which has done wonders for your back, now that you think about it. Then again.. this place seems and feels.. empty.


Despite that, you did take precautions by putting a chair underneath the doorhandle last night, a small measure of security against potential intruders. The boarded-up window, though pre-existing, doesn't seem very safe, something you will have to improve on if you're planning on making this your home. Now.. considering the deceased girl's presence and the fact that this was a school, the chance of encountering additional deceased students is high.

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