The College Life

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READ: My characters are NOT a representation of me or my views. As we all know from OoMC (if you haven't read that, I highly recommend doing so before reading this book!) Preston is a very... outspoken guy. He likes to say/do whatever comes to mind without a second thought. Meaning, sometimes he's disrespectful. Please don't drop comments saying I'm a disrespectful person because "the author must think the same way as their characters." These are fictional characters. They are not me.

I hope you enjoy!!

This story contains mature language, detailed sexual scenes, racism and homophobia, and a lot of gay shit! Proceed with caution!!

-Xoxo, Bert


College fucking sucks.

I wish someone would have told me that instead of my dumb-fuck teachers convincing every student how 'wonderful' and 'important' it is to go to college.

What's worse is my parents agree!

What bullshit. I'm rich; I can get whatever job I want, so why am I attending this shitty school?

Whatever, I guess I shouldn't complain, not everyone can afford school. I'm just being a whiny bitch because my heart's broken and I'm projecting my feelings onto school.

But I have a good reason for being a whiny bitch; the love of my life doesn't love me back.

So right now I'm sulking in my dorm room, watching my roommate, Ethan, play video games. (He's cool. A bit dorky and he sucks at video games, but we get along).

Back to my sulking. It's my best friend, Reid, who doesn't love me back and it's all his shitty boyfriend's fault. Had I known Reid was gay before Grayson (said boyfriend) moved to town, I would've told Reid how I felt. Us two would be together. Plus, I'm hotter than Grayson, so I don't know what Reid sees in him.

"God dammit!" Ethan shouts as his character in the game dies. He huffs and tosses his headset on the ground. He turns to me, "let's go get food, I'm hungry."

I make a whiny noise.

"No, come on, dude. It's been months since you and Reid broke up or... stopped hooking up. What you need is to get laid- in someone else's dorm- and stop crying."

I sat up at that, "Fuck you, I am not crying. I don't cry. In fact, I'm over it," I bullshit.

"Great, let's go get food." I like Ethan; he puts up with my shit and I put up with his and it all works out. Which is nice; I was nervous about getting a douchebag for a roommate.

I sigh and hop off my twin sized, loft bed. Ethan's right, I need to move on. Not with a rebound, though. I was the rebound and that fucking sucks. So, I need to find a different method of moving on because Reid's happy. I want him to be happy (but he'd be happier with me).

I grab my keys and wallet off my shitty wooden desk the school provided us with, and tie my laces after putting my Vans on.

Ethan and I head to the food lounge on the first floor of the campus. There's a few options for food: Panda Express, Chipotle, McDonalds, and a little deli section provided by our University.

Ethan and I get Chipotle (a burrito bowl for me) and take our seats towards the back of the cafeteria.

As we both dig into our food, I spot a familiar guy a few tables down from me. Also eating Chipotle, but with two girls. It's more often than not, that we find each other in the same room, but never speak. He catches me looking at him and winks. I grimace and look away.

"What?" Ethan questions.

"See that guy over there," I nod my head in the direction of his table.

Ethan turns around, being completely obvious, and looks at the guy I motioned to. He's not looking our way, so it doesn't matter, but I kick Ethan's leg anyway to get him to turn back around.

"Ow. Who is he?" Asks my roommate.

"I don't know his name, but he's in my class and he doesn't shut up. And he's like, very flamboyant and flirty. You can be gay, you don't have to be that gay."

Ethan rolls his eyes, "ya' know, for someone who's literally gay, you're quite homophobic."

I scoff, "I'm not homophobic. And I'm not gay."

"Mhmm," Ethan voices sardonically. "Sure you're not, you're just a male who has sex with males, but that's not gay." (Note his sarcasm). "Maybe he just likes you."

I cringe, "he's not my type." I shovel a fork full of rice and chicken mixed in with a bunch of messy toppings, into my mouth.

"Why? Please don't tell me it's because he's black," he says, looking at me like he's a disappointed mother.

I roll my eyes. "No, dick-weed, Jesus, I'm not that shallow. And I'm not racist. I'll have you know, I watch a lot of gay porn with black men."

Now Ethan cringes, "I don't want to know about you watching porn, I already hear it every night." He imitates me jerking off and fake moans, "I'm- I'm gonna- cu- cu- cummm, ahhh."

I laugh, "shut up, I don't make noise and I certainly don't announce when I'm cumming."

"And I thank God every night for that."

Going back to our original conversation, I say seriously, "he's not my type because he's just... too much. I mean, crop-tops? Just wear a regular shirt. And he paints his nails, has too many ear piercings and a nose ring? Again, too gay for my taste."

Ethan snorts, "you're such an asshole."

I shrug. "Not like I'm ever going to talk to him outside of class."

When the guy stands up to throw the rest of his food away, we make eye contact again- a second longer than normal- before I look away and continue chatting with Ethan until we finish our food.


Let's hope Preston gets some good character development lmfao

This story is going to be a little on the political/controversial side so...

**If I see ANY racist comments, they will be deleted and you will be muted from ever commenting again!**

Thank you for reading!

-Xoxo, Bert

Preston... but you can imagine him how you want...

 but you can imagine him how you want

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