42; Masquerade Party

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"Are you ready, Zhubao?" It was auntie who entered the room.

"I am, auntie." I smiled.

"Thank you..." she hugged me.

"For what auntie?" I asked.

"For giving Ji, the best gift of his birthday, your time and attention, luxury and expensive gifts cannot replace this." she smiled. "Especially for staying here tonight..."

"Thats a little thing—" someone entered the room, and now Ji is straightly staring at me like there was no tomorrow.

As I stood there, amidst the swirl of elegant music from the outside and the soft glow of candlelight, my eyes couldn't help but be drawn to him. He stood tall and confident on the door, his form draped in a pure gold formal suit that seemed to shimmer and dance with every step he took. It was as if he was sculpted from the very essence of luxury, his presence commanding attention without saying a word.

But it wasn't just his attire that captivated me—it was the way he carried himself, with an air of grace and charisma that was impossible to ignore. His every movement was smooth and deliberate, as though he had been born to navigate the intricacies of high society with ease.

As he turned his head, the mask seemed to come alive, its golden glow accentuating the sharp angles of his jawline and the soft curve of his lips. In that moment, surrounded by the opulence of the room, I found myself completely enchanted by him.

There was a magnetic pull, an undeniable connection that transcended mere physical attraction. It was as though our souls had been drawn together, bound by an invisible thread that wove its way through the fabric of time and space.

I longed for nothing more than to freeze this moment in time, to linger in his presence and bask in the warmth of his gaze. For in that brief instant, all my worries and fears melted away, replaced by a sense of pure contentment and bliss. He was more than just a man in a gold suit and mask—and as I stood there, lost in the depths of his gaze, I knew that this night would be etched into my memory forever, a precious jewel to treasure in the depths of my heart.

"Good evening, my beautiful date..." He smiled as he lends his arm, my heart somehow beat faster, I don't know, maybe because of his smile.

"T-Thank you..." I took it.

"Let's go, mom, they're waiting..." Ji started to escort me.

"Isn't this embarrassing?" I asked him.

"Why, is it embarrassing being with the celebrant, especially when it's me?" he arched his brows.

"I mean—"

"Just stay beside me..." the huge door opened as the visitors looked at us, they didn't take their sights off us, especially mine.

"This is embarrassing, Ji..." I whispered. "Your relatives are staring at me..."

"Just smile, they know you..." He smiled at me, we sat on the front stage and still, their eyes are on me.

What's wrong with my dress, or my body, fuck. This is very embarrassing; I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe.

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