26; Guy In Black

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"I miss Zhubao so much, is she going to be home sooner?" Junhao asked.

"Yeah, I guess she is going to be home later, we just need to be patient." Azhi said and looked at us, "We should prepare to welcome her back, a lunch will probably do, they are obviously going to be so hungry."

We we're playing when an unfamiliar sound of a sports car suddenly pulled off the gate, we all looked at the gate confusedly, but then, Yu Zeyu opened the gates for Ji and Zhubao, so thats why the car was not familiar, it's because Yu Zeyu owns it, "I'm home!" Zhubao said that made everyone stand up to approach her.

"Hey guys, I just dropped them home before I do, I'll also be going now." He said and was about to turn his back when I spoke that stopped him.

"You can eat with us..." I said.

"Thank you, but I decline. I have a dance class later on, and I'm going to our Entertainment, it's kind of a bit away from this place though," he said and turned his back on us while Zhubao bid goodbye, we all watched him walk away, until he drove away.

I looked at Zhubao and hugged her, "I missed you."

"Oh, you all already missed me, it's just one day silly heads..." she chuckled, I scanned her face and I noticed that she still has a patch on her forehead, I became sad knowing that she was hurt that time.

We cannot even do anything about it.

"We're just not comfortable when you're not here, we became used to having you around..." Yukun said and smiled at her genuinely.

"I am hungry, do you all have something in there to eat?" she suddenly asked and looked at us, "Or should I cook?"

"I already did, let's eat..." Yuhan said and smiled at her.

We went to the kitchen, and we prepared it all as well. I also have a plan for today, I have no idea if she will come with me at all, but I hope she will, I've been planning this for a long time, but I really wish she'll agree.

I sat beside her and put some foods on her plate, she looked at me and then she smiled. "Thanks..."

"Always, you're our princess, you know?"

"Tsk..." Ji whispered and sat on Zhubao's other side, then I saw Xiao Bao and Yuhan glared at me, I smirked at them.

SLOWPOKES! I mouthed.

"Hey, what are you still doing?" It was Zhubao.

"Ah, HAHAHA nothing!" I chuckled and glanced at the two, their faces are literary crumpled like some paper I threw on the trash, I knew they also like her. But that doesn't stop me from liking her as well, I was the first one who confessed, and I probably have the ace.

After we eat, I prepared for our afternoon class, Zhubao will be left in the house, she still needs to rest and Ji volunteered to take care of her while we are away, and Mr. Li agreed, he was the one who accompanied her at the hospital after all.

But next week, she will finally receive the title for the pageant, yes, she won. They deserve those titles so much.

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