chapter one: meeting mike

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"Anna, you will be an excellent addition to our student body. We are so pleased to have you attending our school!" The principal of Stone Garden High School said welcoming me.

Yeah whatever I think to myself while looking down fidgeting with the bracelet on my wrist, he won't be so pleased when I turn this school upside down.
When I lift my head a very tall intimidating man enters the room and sits in the chair to my right. He is wearing a suit and a very strong cologne that reminds me of the beach. He has big muscles and a strong jaw line. He looks around 25-27.

"Good morning mike I would like to introduce you to Anna." The principal greeted.

Deep in thought, I had no idea Mike was standing in front of me with his hand out waiting for a handshake until he lifted my chin up with his index finger and we made direct eye contact.

"Earth to Anna?!" Mike said then chuckled.

"Um who are you again?" I said rudely. I could tell by the expression on his face he was not happy by the tone of voice I used with him. like I give a fuck.

"Who am I? I am your mentor Annabella" mike said while raising his eyebrow at me. God I hate when people use my full name 'Annabella' It sounds so preppy and happy. The opposite of who I am.

"It's Anna" I corrected him through gritted teeth.

The principal barged in,"Alright 'its Anna' Mike is your mentor do you know what it means that he's your mentor?" He asked me.

"Uh it means he's my mentor?" I say sarcastically.

"Yes, but it means that Mike gets a daily report on how you are in doing in your classes. That includes; troubles, accomplishments, behavior issues, and so on. He is responsible for you, so he is allowed to punish you. You are aware that this is a corporal punishment school right Anna? You're parents signed all the legal documents but i'm not sure if they told you. I don't want it to be a surprise." The principal said to me.

"Yeah..they told me, unfortunately." I whispered under my breath while rolling my eyes. Curse me. I cannot believe I am going to be spanked at fifteen years old as if I was a child. Mike nudged me with the corner of his elbow.

"Things like that aren't going to be tolerated pretty soon." Mike said in a firm whisper.

"Oh i'm so scared." I responded rolling my eyes once more. What's he going to do? Spank me right here? It's not even my first day, so legally he can't do anything to me.

Mike leaned over and whispered "When Monday comes you're going to be scared. Take this as a warning Annabella, I don't deal with disrespect."

"Call me 'Annabella' one more time and you're going to be scared" I spat. Who does this man think he is?! Using my full name as if he was my mom. He doesn't get to boss me around without a fight.

"Calm down, calm down you two" the principal insisted on us. "Mike still has to give Anna the grand tour!"

I groan.

"Cant you give me the tour instead of Mike" I plead to the principal.

"I'm afraid not. I have work to finish up before classes resume on Monday. But Mike is more than happy to give you the tour! You are going to be stuck with each-other for the remainder of the year, so I suggest you try and get along with him" He points his reading glasses down at me, then picks up his pen and starts working on paperwork.

Great. I'm going to be stuck with this bastard for 6 months.

"Right this way Annabella" Mike says politely while opening the exit door.

I shoot him a death glare.

"Oh right. Anna..." He corrected himself.


"This is my classroom. This is where you will meet me everyday after school, this is where you will do your homework, this is where we will celebrate your accomplishments, this is where I discipline you." Mike said proudly.

The room number reads '209'. His classroom is quite small considering how huge this school is. In the corner of the room I spotted 3 leather straps hanging from a wall along with a paddle. The first strap is really thick, maybe like 4 inches thick. That sent shivers through my spine.

"And that concludes the tour. What are your thoughts Anna?" Mike asked me

"Um.." I wasn't able to muster any words because my mind is still on the thought of that thick strap hitting my backside. Mike realized what I was staring at and decided to grab it.

"Oh this?" He said slapping the strap against his hand. "You won't have to worry about this because I save this only for the really misbehaved. But you're going to be good, right Anna?" He warned me.

I wish that was true. But knowing me, I'm always looking for trouble.
"I'm going to be your best student!" I say in an extremely monotone voice. He will be lucky if I go one day without causing a ruckus.

"Somehow I don't believe that based on the behavior you've shown me today, but I'll give you a chance to prove yourself." Mike said with a small smirk on his face while hanging that terrifying strap back up.

"Oh shut up. I know you read my file." I huff and cross my arms.

Mike turns around to face me "So this is your sixth school this year huh? And do not say shut up to me young lady." He warns.

"See! You know all about me so why should I even pretend I'm a good student when you know i'm not!?"

"That's where you're wrong Annabella. You are a good student. You're intelligent, smart, and so much more! You just haven't had the right guidance for you to really excel." Mike tells me enthusiastically.

Ugh here he goes with 'Annabella' again. I roll my eyes.

"It just so happens that I was awarded 'best mentor of the year' last year. So they save me for the little troublemakers here, like yourself. I'll have you straightened out within a month." Mike chuckled.

"Oh please. i'll take that as challenge" I hiss towards Mike.

"Challenge accepted." He grins.

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